Sunday, May 8, 2022

cursed with insomnia! lol!

"Hey, chica, insomnia is no laughing matter!"

Actually, it is when you're talkin' 'bout a flip on the "Sleeping Beauty" tale!

"So, instead of a princess falling asleep for years...

... there's a prince who hasn't slept since he was born! Yep, you got it!

"Wow. That's a gender switch, too. So I guess he's rescued by true love's kiss?"

Nah, that mushy stuff is for tales aimed at girls.

"Do tell."

Hey, I just call it like I see it, right? And it does seem to me that fairy tales spend a lot of time building romantic fantasies for girls and mythic strength stories for boys. "Tuckered" had no interest in promoting stereotypes!

"Good for that play! So, how did it go?"

In a nutshell, we have the standard curse placed by evil sorceress on the newborn son of a king and queen who had cast her out of the kingdom. Flash forward to the opening of the story tonight! The prince has lived his life locked in a tower so his being ever-awake doesn't drive his parents bonkers. His only constant companion is Stewart. Now the prince is having his sweet sixteen and he's ready to be set free, but his folks don't agree. Fortunately, Stewart, his trusty steward, has had enough sleepless nights in the prince's company and sets out to find a cure for the curse.

"Hey, I don't know why but that reminds me of Mama's joke! You know the one I mean, right?"

Of course! I had that same thought! So during intermission I told Barbara about the Red King and the Blue King, and the brave Page that walked through the Yellow Fingers! She laughed, too, and we both realized that anyone under 30 won't get that joke based on the old Yellow Pages advertising. That's sad, really.

"Yeah, but you saw "The Wall" with all the millenials on it. They didn't get most of the references to old tv shows or commercials."

Yeah. Poor Jane Lynch. She ended up with two of them battling it out at the end.

"So, what else happened in the play??"

Oh, yeah... train of thought derailed! LOL! Okay, so Stewart finds a knight to help with his quest, but the knight is not very bright. Sounds like a pun, right? LOL!

"Sure. Now, back to the story?"

Stewart also finds a very helpful village girl who turns out to be not only smart but strong. She even drags along the knight when he gets hit with a sleeping potion! LOL! All the way up the tower stairs, too, bumping his head on each step! What a lass! Then they find the sorceress and she gives them a potion to remove the prince's insomnia. Only, she lied! Good for them that her hunchbacked assistant, Cain, had loose lips!

"That worked out well for them!"

Not for the evil sorceress, but certainly for everyone else. Cain ended up getting to live in the tower with all the prince's books - and he was elated! The sorceress got hit with the potion, so she was sleeping in a corner, leaving him all the rest of that lovely space and its gorgeous view. The king and queen had their son back, though he was planning to explore the countryside with the girl that saved him.

"And what of Stewart?"

He was tuckered out from years of being awake all night... so he slept! Lol!

"What a fun play! How wonderful that Boo had invited you!"

She fetched me there, too, and we talked a while after. Lovely evening!

"Here's to more good times with your amigas!"

Amen to that!

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