Thursday, May 5, 2022

good morning, goldey!

"Oh, don't tell me, let me guess. You've watched "Free Guy" again!"

Yes, I have! He and I ate breakfast together today!

"Well, good for you. Free movie week again?"

It is, this time called The Watchathon. I think the hope is that people will watch some of the series with buzz power, and then be compelled to sign up for those premium movie channels. I'm not even going to waste my time on that! Movies, movies, movies, that's what I want!

"Speaking of such, how's your A*List going this week?"

I was done on Tuesday, thank you very much, watching three that had strong male leads. I had toyed with the idea of naming this post "Liam, Nicholas, Willem, and Channing" but I really liked seeing the goldfish again this morning. What a sweetie!

"Hold up there, girlie. You've named four guys, but only show three tickets."

Do you realize I've seen four movies at the cinema in as many days? Sunday was Liam Neeson as a hitman losing his "Memory" - very well done! Monday found me southside to watch the inimitable Nicholas Cage playing a down-in-the-mouth aging version of himself with "The Enormous Weight Of Massive Talent", forced to make birthday party appearances to pay the alimony - LOL! Tuesday led me to "The Northman", a movie seen in honor of Thorfinn on "Ghosts", with Willem Dafoe as a Viking version of a fool. Sure, it was a small part, but he was fabulous! It actually brought to mind his role in "The Lighthouse", a character-driven study that failed to stick its landing.

"Yeah, I remember that one. It was in the fall of 2019, right?"

Yep, as that's when the dour films make their bids for Oscar nominations. Movie pickin's get pretty slim for anyone like me. It's all sadness and horror at the cinema.

"Heard! Now, why did you mention Channing Tatum?"

Because he's in the fourth movie at the cinema this week! I knew "The Lost City" had its final screening yesterday, so I was there, one last time, for the Adventures of Loretta and Alan. I'm so glad I had one more chance to see it!

"Wow. Fourth movie? That means you had to pay for it."

Nah, I had reward bucks, so, essentially, AMC paid for my ticket!

"Well, I'll let you get back to your Watchathon."

Thanks! I'm going in search of "The Sandlot". Wish me luck!

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