Monday, May 23, 2022

lovely, lovely, ribs!

Aren't they a lovely little sidekick?
Actually, you may not be able to tell that very well, as I was in such a hurry to get them safely put away for travel home that I couldn't seem to get a photo that was in focus.
Oh, I'm being serious!
This was my third attempt, and it was, by far, the clearest.
That little jiggle in my left hand, a side effect I've had for some few years from the Ramipril, is under control most of the time, but not when I get in a hurry.
And why was I in a rush?
The evening crowd was coming in and I wanted to be out!
My slunch was done and my dinner and breakfast rolls were boxed and awaiting transport...
and the thing is, here's the thing: neither were what I had envisioned them to be....
but both were exactly what I needed!
I love it when life throws the perfect curve ball!
Right place, right time!
Here's what I mean.
I'd gone to Texas Roadhouse to get my birthday rack of ribs, with their compliments, as well as the Country Vegetable dinner.
My intention had been to eat the ribs and the house salad there, then take the rest home.
Well, I'd arrived after the early birds had flown in for the 3 PM specials, so I ended up having to wait thirty minutes... and I hadn't had lunch yet.
That meant I started in on a bread roll just as soon as I was seated, as it was already approaching 5 PM.
I had my order ready as soon as the waitress came by, and she saw the birthday certificate.
Thanks, Julie, for getting food to me quickly!
The cup of chili came with my glass of water, so I dug into it with gusto!
Full of meat and quite tasty, especially when countered with that sweet bread.
In no time, the salad showed up, big and tasty as it always is - excellent!
So, I decided right then that those items would be my slunch.
That's the beauty of choice, right?
I could have chosen to be upset that I wasn't getting the food in the order I wanted it, but, instead, I chose to be happy and enjoy the tasty meal before me.
I didn't have to shop for it, or prep it, or cook it... what a blessing!
As for the ribs, they will be dinner, and I can be as messy with them as I want.
The steak fries will be a perfect addition.
Maybe I'll eat the broccoli and carrots then... maybe not.
But you better believe those ribs will be on my dinner menu!
Yum yum!!!
And what is this?
While I was waiting outside, that upper contrail kept tugging at my mind.
What was it representing???
I finally realized: it's like an EKG.
The lower contrail is smudged and chalky, but the upper is thin and has definite sharply-pointed teeth probing above and below its plane.
I'm glad my EKG is no longer as jagged and erratic as that.

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