Monday, May 30, 2022

ribs with grandpa and meemee!

Yes, indeed, Dood is now officially Grandpa, and not just because of the strong resemblance to Mama's father when Tony looks in the mirror.

That's him in the pink shirt, by the way, and this scene is at the old family house seven doors down from me.

The young man on the right in the photo is his 37-year-old son, Damon, who was there today with his girlfriend, Dana (who was up at the back porch with me and Tony's wife, Laura, aka "Meemee").

The younger people in the photo are Damon's almost-15 son, Dylan, and Damon's newly 13-year-old daughter, Carissa.

Her birthday was the day before mine; her brother's birthday will be June 19th.

This marked the first time I've I've seen them, up close and not on facebook, in eight years.

They had been living in Hinesville at the time and I made several trips there to visit and take them on shopping trips at Walmart.

Then their mom met a new man and those visits were requested to cease.

How wonderful to see them and talk to them and find out more about their favorite things!

Carissa is even interested in joining the military one day and plans to play the drums in her school band this fall!

Dylan likes to play football, on the defensive line, and is looking forward to high school with the new friends he made this year!

I look forward to learning more about them, now that they're living with their Dad.

And, besides the delicious grilled ribs, hamburgers, and hotdogs Tony had prepared...

and the oh-so-tasty broccoli salad and watermelon salad and baked beans Laura prepared...

and those scrumptious gluten-free brownies she made especially for Dana..

and all the love between these three generations of recently reunited family members...

I enjoyed the delight of the two kids when Laura shared her art with them and allowed them to choose several to decorate their rooms in their new home.

As I told her, that was so generous of her and I'm sure it will nurture their creative side!

What a blessing to spend this Memorial Day with them!

i thank You, God!

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