Thursday, August 25, 2022

wjcl must think i'm famous!!!

Why do I say that?
Sure, sure, it's a short film, just over three minutes.
But the camera was on me the whole time!
Well, maybe not that first minute or so, but after that, the whole time!
The whole time, I say!!!

I wish I could remember the name of that fellow I was talking with, but all I can say for sure is he's a local, like me, who grew up in Savannah.
I wish I could remember what we were talking about, but all I can say for sure is that at one point, I clearly said to him, "Now, wait a minute!"
I was doing a lot of talking with my hands, but, hey, that's what I do.
The video was shot on Tuesday, from the median in the middle of Ogeechee Road.
You can even see the cars passing by and blocking the view on that busy highway.
I was wearing one of Mother Pat's Hawaiian tops, the one with the dolphins on the front and a solitary dolphin jumping over my left shoulder blade.
That lovely plait falling down my back?
I have Nadia, a professional hair dresser, to thank for that.
She braided my hair again yesterday, and I still have it that way.
I just haven't wanted to take it apart just yet!
I know the video was shot before our slunch break.
That was around 3 PM.
The caterers had a nice selection of food and I had the curry tofu over rice.
Excellent on such a hot, muggy day!
Yesterday, I chose the tortilla chip encrusted cod - delectable!
That was one mighty fine piece of fish!
Plus, lots of vegetables, and even bread pudding for dessert!
Ah, if only I'd had time to really enjoy that fine food.
But not much time for dining when there's so many wardrobe changes and so much rehearsing before scenes get shot again and again.
Those thirteen-hour days wore me out!
But were they fun?
Oh, yes!
I can't wait to do that again!


faustina said...

On the 25th, I sent the link to the ex, the first niece, and Barbara.

I had immediate responses from the first two! <3

Jeff: Wow!

Christina: Very cool!!!

faustina said...

On Saturday, I sent the youtube link to others that I know and love.

brother Tony: How about that! Cool!

cousin Lynn: That's pretty cool!

stepmom Bonnie: You look well. What was going on?

cousin Penny: Have you been hacked again? (She clearly missed my intro.)

friend Robin J: Beautiful!

friend Sandy: I saw you? Where were they filming? Were you there to be an extra or did you happen to come across it and decided to watch? Looked like you were having a good conversation.

bfe: You should have busted up that scene and been like, "I'll show you how to close that trunk lid!"

friend Dawn: Cute! I watched!

faustina said...

I keep checking on IMDB for news that the movie I was in has made it onscreen.
"Pain Hustlers" now has 2023 as its release year, but nothing more.

I did find the name of my hairdresser!
Nadia Sobh.
Pretty cool!

And here's Eric Kaufman, the special effects guy I talked a good bit with.

And even the extras wrangler that I worked for, Montana Maniscalco!

faustina said...

Montana has an instagram page!
How very cool to actually see her smiling face again!

I wonder what relation she is to the guy in "About My Father"?

faustina said...

My little car made it to the silver screen!!!
Well, kinda sorta.
"Pain Hustlers" was finally completed and aired on Netflix a month or so ago.
Ever since I knew it was available, I've been looking for someone who had Netflix, so I could talk them into letting me watch.
I only needed to look 7 houses down!
My youngest brother and his wife have that streaming service.
After Christmas dinner, we three sat and watched it!!!

What great excitement!!!
I just know Mama was watching with us.