Sunday, August 28, 2022

sunday sundae?

Well, the thing is, here's the thing.

(That's an inside joke with the ex, y'all!)

One of the reasons I went to church was to be on the way to downtown.

Plus, this was Reverend Billy's second Sunday back from his summer vacation.

See him there, at stage left?

Or is that stage right?

I never could keep that straight.


Notice the crowd is not as bad as it would have been last week.

Even the choir is down in count, but that's due to COVID rampaging through them.

That means no musicals will be used in October for the "God On Broadway" series.

Not to fret, though, as Billy has assured us Broadway will still be at Asbury Memorial, starting with "Amadeus" - very good!!!

Maybe I can be an extra?

As I recall, when the Armstrong Masquers performed that one, we had a cast of more than 30, all driving John Suchower to distraction trying to herd them.

Anyway, when we were all standing for the doxology, I slid on out.

I had ice cream on my mind!

"CBS Sunday Morning" had a story about that delectable treat, so I clearly heard Ben & Jerry's calling my name.

Or so I thought.

When I walked into the shop on Broughton, I was practically bouncing, I was so excited with an-ti-ci-pa-tion!

Sadly, there was no coconut almond fudge chunk awaiting me.

In fact, they were totally out of the lactose-free ice creams.

Guess that meant a double scoop of nothing then!

That's okay, it was a lovely day for a walk!

And what's all this hot mess?

Broughton Street is undergoing a dramatic remodel, with no vehicles allowed between Drayton and Whitaker.

Sure looks like it will be pretty!

Three tones of pavers, different sizes, too, plus decorative grates to allow water to drain quickly.

I guess they want to make sure folks use the parking garages from now on.

I plan to keep parking here, near Columbia Square.

That's because my little fish-face adores this pretty little green fountain!

See my car under the left side of the burbling basin?

And hardly anyone out and about... guess they thought the rain was coming soon.

I knew better.

The meteorologist had said the storm was due after early afternoon, so not to dawdle over Sunday luncheon after church, y'all!

She was pretty much right.

After downtown, it was only 1 PM, so I headed to Greenwich to visit family.

I saw that the grave markers had weeds scrambling to cover them up... not any more!

Mama's, Frank's, George's, Mrs. Zaida's and even her brother Billy's are now cleaned up, with names clearly in view.

I even found a plastic bag in my car and gathered up all the shattered flower sprays in view of the Barry plot.

Then I bopped over to Jean Marie's locale.

That clump of red behind those three sunflower displays?

That's hers.

The dragonfly paver was completely covered by a thick layer of oak leaves, plus a few weeds.

That's all cleaned up, too, now, so the mowers will know she is there.

As for me, I made it home just before the rain got heavy.


i thank You, God.

1 comment:

faustina said...

I keep meaning to go back in and edit this post, as I should have mentioned something very important.

See that photo of my car, under a big blue sky?

Take another look.

That isn't just a sky wit a few clouds: it's a big blue heart.

See it now?

I love you, Mama, now and always.

Right place, right time.
i thank You, God.