Wednesday, August 10, 2022

45-inning vacation: the first 9

"What about extra innings?"

Well, I'll take care of that when it arises and not before!

"And what about any rainouts???"

I don't think that'll be an issue. The dust from the Sahara Desert has rendered rain a moot point. It's also quelled anything that might have become a hurricane. As long as the dust particles are browning the sky, the baseball games are safe!

"Well that's very good news for your 5-day series of 9-inning vacations!"

For sure! And I have a different baseball shirt to wear for each game! Today's was a Savannah Bananas version from their second year... I think. I really like it! Surprisingly, I had quite a few folks looking at it, but no one said anything except a woman at the Buc-ee's. She said she likes the Bananas! Lol!

"Wonder if she's every been to a game?"

I have no idea. I'll say this, though: it was magical to be at a baseball game where everyone was paying attention to the BASEBALL GAME. I have so missed that since the Sand Gnats left!

"Yeah, I know. Even though those college boys play well, and even won the CPL Petit Championship again this year, the folks in the stands are mostly there for the circus. Tonight, every butt in a seat was there to cheer on the Tortugas! Very nice!

Well, truth to tell: I had originally thought I'd cheer for the Lakeland Flying Tigers, as they are Detroit's Single-A MLB team. And I very nearly did cheer when their 3B, Adinso Reyes, hit a home run in the 2nd inning and was flashing around third in front of me. That was the first score of the game. It was also the only run the Tigers had tonight.

"I know how hard it was for you to not cheer. You used to cheer for every man who made a good play, whatever team they were on."

So I did! I haven't done so in years, though. Plus, tonight I was amongst a bunch of locals, not tourists. No sense in causing a stir!

"Hey, they already knew you weren't from around these parts. I'm sure they would have been okay with such antics on a Wacky Wednesday!"

You may be right. Surely I was not the only non-native there! Lots of transplants, from folks moving down from colder climes, that I know. And I have my doubts that the emcee was from Daytona!

"Hahahaha! Is that a Pac-Man suit he's wearing?!"

It sure is! And he's wearing one blue suede shoe... and one pink suede one! When I commented, he smiled and said, "You have to be prepared for anything!" LOL!

"Very nice!"

In the photo to the right, he's leading the crowd in singing "Piano Man". Can you believe it! That song popping up in my life again! Right place, right time!

"And just what is in this one? Bases loaded?"

You guessed it! Bags full of potential Cincinnati Reds players! Grand slam time, baby!!! And four runs kept coming home from it, but not due to a grand slam. Still, it was quite exciting in the 8th inning!

"So, the Tortugas won, 4 to 1?"

Actually, they had a total of seven runs!!!

"I take it this is from a home run hitter?

Absolutely!!! The 'Tugas had a whopping three men that bopped the ball over the wall! In fact, it had looked like those homers were going to be the only scores for a while. Austin Callahan, another 3B, led the way with his in the 3rd inning. Then, in the 5th, it was Yassel Pino (1B) who scored. That's him rounding third on his way home, saluting the grandstand as he went by! And Hayden Jones (catcher) finished up the trio in the 7th. Every one of them saluted us as they ran!

"Very nice!"

It was, it truly was!

"I know you really loved that. Made the drive down all worthwhile, didn't it?"

Oh, you better believe it! Not that I don't also enjoy where I'm staying, or the other stuff I have lined up to do, but the baseball is my primary reason for being here this time. Ever since the girls' trip, when there were games but I didn't get to go, I've been wishing and hoping. I knew that the Detroit farm team would be here from the 9th through the 14th of August, so I've been waiting for an opening at the DBR.

"And, clearly, one came up!"

That it did, and I snatched it up before anyone else might might it disappear! Suite 703 is a 2-bedroom, which is more than I need, but that gave me a choice of beds. 

"Ah, yes, choice is good. And I see the view is the same as from your bedroom on the July trip?

It is. Happy camper am I! So blessed!

1 comment:

faustina said...

Here's the highlights from the local newspaper.
