Monday, August 15, 2022

45-inning vacation: taking the long way home

It's been years since I took the A1A.
It's been even longer since I took it as far north as Amelia Island.
Well, I sure can't say any of that anymore!
Thanks to a crystal blue sky...
clad in only little wisps of fluff...
it called to me to drive below its vast expanse...
to breathe in the salt air through an open window...
what bliss!
I tried to resist taking more photos -
you know, to not do so while driving -
as that's totally against the law in Georgia.
It took about an hour before I realized -
the A1A is in Florida!
So, a few quick snapshots along the way,
well, that should be just fine!
Just point and...
click! click! click!
And the camera caught the surf frothing...
and the sea oats blowing...
and that gorgeous sky beaming above it all!
i thank You, God!
I drove straight through, from Daytona Beach to Jacksonville Beach.
Should I stop for lunch, or should I go on without?
That's when the orange and white logo caught my eye -
it was a Whataburger!!!
Just like in the movie, "Vengeance"!!!
That's exactly what I said to the clerk, too, and she patiently listented as I described the film and Ashton Kutcher's role to her.
I think the firefighter overheard me, too.
He sat and watched me as I ate half my Whatachick'n sandwich and those tasty fries, then, when I got up to go, he followed me out the door.
He was parked right beside me, too!
He told me, "Safe travels!" and was gone.
Very nice!
I drove on, following the coastal highway as it ran out to Mayport Village.
Would the St. John's Ferry be in operation today?
Well, the clear sky and smooth river said it would...
and sure enough, they were correct!
Within 14 minutes of my arrival, the ferry pulled up, off-loaded about 9 vehicles, and then took on about as many cars and vans and trucks again before setting a course for the other side of the river.
See my little car, with its windshield shining with glee?
It's truly been years since I've traveled this way.
And guess how much the ride cost?
It was still just 7 dollars!!!
What a deal for the quick little jaunt!
Six minutes later, my Saturn and I were again cruising along A1A North!
Just below the state line, Amelia Island Parkway set us on our way to I-95 North, homeward bound...
and, now, I've had time to download the photos and cool down.
What a lovely drive, filled with memories...
my adventure in Marineland with the dolphin, Hemingway, that allowed me to touch him...
The Gypsy Cab Company in St. Augustine and the tasty garlic of those meals...
crossing over the Bridge of Lions and hearing the metal drawbridge below...
smelling the salt spray of the Atlantic Ocean all along my path.
i thank You, God!

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