Wednesday, February 14, 2024

grateful to be a valentine!

Thank you, Comcast, for the gift of Peacock! That meant I began my day with "Mr. Monk and the Missing Granny"... and the found cat. LOL! Poor Lt. Disher and his allergy to feline fur!

Thank you, UHC Medicare, for the Black Card membership to the purple Planet Fitness! I was able to enjoy two episodes of "Sex And The City" as I rode the bicycle at the Victory Planet. That was definitely fun!

Thank you, my blue-sky cousin Penny, and her sweet husband, for the gift card to Chili's! I certainly did enjoy my lunch of a huge house salad and bacon ranch quesadillas... and I enjoyed the leftovers of those and the tortilla chips for my dinner!

Thank you, Penny, for the "blooming heart of red roses" gif, too! I shared that with other family and several friends and they all enjoyed it, as I was sure they would. My guess is that gif made it out to a few others, too, as I know Barbara sent it to her cousin Penny!

Thank you, and the Department of Veterans Affairs for the free concert this afternoon! I had not thought I knew any of the three country songwriters featured, but I was thrilled when I heard Dan Tyminski sing. I know that voice! He was the one who sang for George Clooney's character in "O Brother, Where Art Thou?"!!! 

Best of all, he performed "I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow" with the other two songwriters! That's him on the left, with Tommy Karlas by his side and Scotty Hasting, a Purple Heart veteran, on the right. Each of them performed at least four songs during the hour-long show. I just may have to listen to Scott's "Good Old Dogs And God", as well as Tommy's "Another Day" another time, as both are upbeat and positive.

Thank you, AMC, again, for the pizza special last Friday! I still had two slices of one of the supreme pies and used that to augment my Valentine's Day dinner. Yum!

Thank you, Jeff, for sending the link to this Michael Evans film! How could you help thinking of me and my Post-its when you saw this film? I'm so glad we are still family!

And now, thank you again to Comcast! I'm looking forward to watching this reward movie, "How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days" right about now, funk soul brother. Hey that's an inside joke, y'all! LOL!

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