Sunday, February 11, 2024

luncheon with pizza at the empire of light!

Earlier in the week, the bfe had suggested a movie and lunch for Sunday.

I gave him several options at the cinema, doubting he would choose any of them, as well as a couple of films to view at my house.

So, Holy Pie pepperoni pizza served well as our luncheon, allowing us time to chat as we consumed every last morsel of it.

Mercy, mercy, me, that was mighty fine!

We even talked about bicycles at the Purple Planet, he and The 'Cole's search for the perfect Hawaiian pizza, and the sermon at Asbury!

You just never know what topics will spark questions from the physicist... and that's a good thing!


Wondering what movie we watched?

He has a fondness for Olivia Colman, so I had sought out movies with her, for him.

"Empire of Light" was one I remembered wanting to see when it was in the cinemas in 2022, but that was over in Pooler and I was recently found to have A-fib, so that film was left unseen... until today.

As good fortune would have it, he had not yet seen it, either.

Did you know it was a Disney film??

I had not, but that's the channel that rented it to me.

It truly was a beautifully crafted piece, set in 1981, in England, about the workings and staff of a lovely old cinema from the 1920's.

That makes it kin to the Lucas Theatre here!

I loved the feel of it, the reel to reel projectors, watching for the signal on the film that meant it was time to switch reels to the second projector - memories of Panama, and the space in the officers quarters dedicated as our off-duty cinema room.

So lovely!

It brought to mind another film I'd seen years ago, about an old theater in a small town...      I didn't recall the name until after the bfe was gone: "Cinema Paradiso".

I saw that in the late 1980's, while I was in graduate school in Tallahassee... perhaps I can talk him into seeing that over here sometime?


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