Monday, February 19, 2024

scientist ducks and moonlight park!

You know what the best part was of the President's Day vacation?
Not just the part about my first niece bookending her four-day holiday from school and weekday responsibilities here in Savannah with me...
though that was most excellent!!!
Not just getting to spend some time with my now-official great-nieces...
though that was most excellent, too!!!
And not just having visitors at my house...
though that was definitely sweet!!!
However, the best part, I do believe, was the game Chloe made up.
I didn't suggest it, nor did Christina or Miyah.
Chloe made it up with her 5-year-old mind.
And it was fun, too!
Can you tell what she's holding?
In her right hand is the mermaid duck from the family outing for the movie and pizza last year.
Her left hand holds one of the scientist ducks from the 2018 chemistry nerds convention in Augusta.
You remember that we all love the ducks, right?
Miss Chloe was fascinated with my collection, of course, especially as I have some very different ducks, in a range of sizes.
We had been half watching "Curious George", then we tuned in "Pinkalicious" and TV time seemed to be requiring the girls to stay too still.
Next thing I know, Chloe is in front of me with her hands behind her back.
"Which hand has a duck?", she began....
and the game was on!
"Which duck do I have?" became the next phase, with Miyah taking a turn at having me guess while Chloe reloaded.
Then it really got complicated.
"How many ducks am I holding?"
It had been hard enough to make good guesses at which ducks, but I'd somehow been able to distinguish the scientist ducks from each other and from the Elvis duck and the vampire duck, from the mermaid duck and the tiny blue duck, from the strawberry duck and the confetti duck and the baseball duck...
Maybe the girls and I have a telepathy thing going, right?
But by the time it progressed to me having to guess how many ducks...
well, I was glad when their mom helped me out!
Shhh, don't tell the girls!

By the time "Donkey Hodie" came on - trust me, it's a pun, you have to say it out loud, so thanks to my first niece for cluing me in - the girls were restless.
Time to bounce elsewhere in town for some running around!
Say what?
How about the park outside my front door, you say?
Hey, it was much too cold for that.
Like, at least 15 degrees colder than late morning on Friday had been.
Especially since Sunday had been too cold for church, today had not yet improved.
So, where to go?

Moonlight Park, of course!
We weren't the only ones who thought of the playland at Oglethorpe Mall, either.
I really had to be quick with the camera to get this shot with just Miyah and Chloe, and both in that lovely sliver of moon!
Chloe had already ducked down to go on the slide, on the left, but Miyah was standing tall -
I very much like this photo!
They got to play and Christina and I got to talk, as well as pop into River Street Sweets for rock candy (her) and into Bath & Body Works for free lotion and discounted hand soaps (for me, thanks to the bfe's coupons).
Such a lovely way to pass time in a warm space!
Then, off to Seasons of Japan for a leisurely luncheon!
What a fabulous finish to our fun together!
Thank you, dearest Christina!

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