Tuesday, August 13, 2024

borderlands, borderlands, borderlands

"Holy shiite! Did you watch that for all three of the slots on your A*List???"

No, dear, I did not, though I most def will see it again. What a fabulous bit of fun it was! I was expecting, and hoping, it would be in the same vein as "Guardians Of The Galaxy", and it was not disappointing in that regard. Actually, it was kinda sorta like GOTG set in the apocolyptic deserts of "Mad Max". Really light, fun, science fiction! But I did not, yet, burn up all my dances on that one movie. See?

"I do. Then why repeat "Borderlands" thrice in the post title?"

'Cause that was the theme for the trio! I realized when I watched "Deadpool & Wolverine" again that it also featured a place called the Borderlands, on the outskirts of the Void. That's where DP & W hooked up with a hilarious Channing Tatum - as The Gambler, apparently Cajun - plus Blade and Elektra and X-23. So very cool to see Wesley Snipes again! He's so good-looking still, even now, when he's 62! I just may have to see if I can locate the Blade movies for free somewhere...

"That would be way cool! But, hold up there. You had a triple header today???"

Kinda sorta. (smile!) That last movie, "Harold And The Purple Crayon", is on the list, but I didn't actually go to it. I still had yard work to do, and that workout with the Ryobi can only be done in late evening. So, I could either go to that 7:15 movie, which I'd already seen, or I could tackle the yard, but not both. So, I worked on the front yard.

"I thought you had cutting still to do in the back?"

I do, but, here's the thing: no one sees me when I'm mowing back there. I wanted to make sure the neighbors all knew I was getting it done, so I worked on the front. I managed to get most of the side with the Japanese magnolia done before the battery stopped me. I'm glad I can see that spiral again! It was quite muted from the extra growth spurt from Debby's mad watering spree.

"Yes, that looks quite nice."


"So, why did you choose the kid movie to complete the trio?"

It was about borderlands, too, principally the ones between reality and imagination. I thought that most def deserved a place with the other two.

"I agree! How nice that the movie times worked out for you."

Hey, they worked with my medical appointments today, too. I knew I would end up southside this afternoon, so I decided to maximize my options! I started out at Howard Midtown for a dental appointment with Emily Husted. She filled two tiny cavities for me. I likened it to having a chip in the windshield of my car, and getting it repaired before it splintered the whole thing. I don't think she cared for that analogy, but the male receptionist loved it.

"LOL! I take it the macrame sun was hanging on their wall?"

Yes, it was. I liked it because it reminded me of Ronnie. He won an award for the artistry of his macrame pieces that he did in high school.

"Nice. And how went the dental visit?"

It was okay. They really do need to pay attention to patient's allergies, because Alicia, the assistant, used this nasty-tasting red swab to numb my left upper gums. Had she realized I was deathly allergic to strawberry? Nope. Fortunately for her, the flavor was "cherry". I wish they would ask if I want flavored dental crap, but they do not.

"Holy shiite!!! That could have botched up your entire day!"

I know. "Dr. Emily" went to give me three numb-dumb shots and seemed absolutely offended when I refused to have them. I guess I need to let UHC know not to pay for those, since I didn't need them. Again, these were tiny cavities. I didn't wince once during the drilling and sanding and polishing procedures. I think that aggravated Emily Husted even more, as she left me for almost ten minutes after installing the second filling. Just jetted off, saying she'd be right back. Nope. Even Alicia left to be part of the group chatting in the hall.

"Seriously? That was rather rude."

I thought so and said as much after the dentist and assistant returned to polish the second filling and remove the tooth cap left in place all that time. Emily Husted again made like she had been offended. She was also aggravated that I was refusing to get the crown redone on that leftmost upper molar. As I told her, I'd had Dr. Julie Howard put it back on several years ago after it fell off, and it stayed not even a month. I have no interest in spending money on adorning that tooth again.

"Good for you! Emily Husted sounds like she is quite young and inexperienced."

I'm sure she's fine with children, which is good as they are the focus at that dental practice. That's why they have so much flavored dental crap.

"Yes, I remember. So, afterward, you went to your first movie of the triple header?"

I did! Then I had a second appointment, this time at the Savannah VA Center. It was for an ultrasound of my thyroid to see how that butterfly is doing. I had asked for a check of it since the levothyroxine dosage has been lowered yet again, for the second time in as many years. I told Ms. Barker that I was curious as to what the three little cysts are doing now.

"Three cysts in that one gland?"

Correct, but they were quite small back in 2009. There were two on the right side and one on the left side. Peggy Byck was my PCP then, before I started coming to the VA Center regularly. She's retired now. In fact, she may have retired the same year I did.

"How did today's appointment go?"

Cindy was the radiology tech and she seemed right on top of her game. She had me in and out in fifteen minutes! Very thorough scan with her wand, too, so I wouldn't be surprised if I had light bruising in two areas. Even with cleaning the goop off, I was back next door at AMC in time to catch my second movie. Brava!

"Indeed! Sounds like quite a productive Tina Tuesday!"

Yes, and it was mostly fun, too! (smile!)

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