Saturday, August 31, 2024

... and tigers and bears, oh my!

Actually, my bag of animal crackers contained quite a menagerie!
There was a lion, as well as a zebra, an elephant, and several buffalo.
However, by the time I thought to set some aside for this post, those were all eaten.
I was left with a tiger, a bear, and a koala.
Did I have reason for choosing that snack rather than some other?
Yes, yes, I did!
I was at the Savannah Children's Theatre for a matinee that I'd almost foregone.
Just why was that?
They billed "Frederick" as a 'family show' that was suitable for small children.
Small kids, eh?
Then I researched it and found out it was a musical.
Hey, those plays are my jam, right?

And the story of the five little mice was actually quite entertaining!
I even went up to nervous Nellie, Baby, Ernest, and Sunny after the show to talk about one of the songs that Ernest sang.
He was an inventor and he developed a gadget to help ration their food during the winter.
That gadget was full of "Bells And Whistles" which he sang of enthusiastically!
It truly was a tune that made me laugh...
and brought to mind "Razzle Dazzle", the song the lawyer sang in "Chicago"...
which Ernest (Alexander Goldstein) and Sunny (Ajae Michele) agreed with!!!
They said they had caught the similarity three weeks ago during rehearsal!
Right place, right time, for me to be there on that holiday weekend!

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