Thursday, August 15, 2024

flashback: 15 august 2010

There were auditions in Columbia, SC, for "The Biggest Loser", a television show.
My first niece had won a VIP Pass to be part of the event.
I don't recall how she had done so.
The point is, she had invited me to be her Plus-1 for the trip and I'd gladly accepted.
A chance to travel with her?
Of course I said yes!
Here she is, putting on lipstick.
Isn't she so pretty?
I really believe she was too pretty.
I'd seen a few episodes of the show and she was, by far, much prettier than anyone I'd ever seen on it.
Perhaps they concurred.
All I know is, she did not get chosen.
Their loss!
Our gain was a weekend out of town.
We both enjoy "waking up somewhere else" every so often.
How could we have known it was to be such an auspicious Sunday?
We were having breakfast at the Chick-Fil-A in the hotel before heading back to Savannah.
Then, suddenly, there was a horse...
and a man holding an umbrella...
and a wedding party!
What a special treat for us!
Right place, right time.
The preliminaries of the Indian wedding slowly unfolded before our eyes, with the young groom mounting the white horse before galloping off to meet his fair maiden...
well, maybe not quite like that.
They traveled at a slow walk.
Nonetheless, it was quite a marvel to behold as the brightly-clad party headed down the street in downtown Columbia toward a bride awaiting her future husband.
So romantic!
We watched until they were out of sight, enjoying this unexpected rainbow under a clear sky.
i thank You, God.


faustina said...

Why post this now?
Because it was such a memorable trip for Christina and me.
Plus, recently, the ex and I had a textversation about his upcoming trip to Houston with Amy.
A friend of hers is having an Indian wedding there, with the auspicious time being 2:30 AM.
I hope they'll have as remarkable an event as we witnessed on that long ago morning in Columbia.

Christina said...

Love this memory we shared.