Saturday, August 10, 2024

she still has a drinking problem - lol!

One never knows what the source of a giggle may be.
I was at Advance Auto Parts to get a couple of quarts for my Saturn.

The young man at the counter seemed to get a kick out of my bare-armed self in there with the two containers of oil.

I guess I was not quite the same ilk as the little old lady who came in after me, dressed as though she'd just come from church.


The young man was the only one manning the store, as the other clerk was outside helping a customer install something they'd purchased, perhaps a tail light or such.
(I've had them do that for me, too. That's one of the best things about this store: they help put the device in for you, at no charge.)

There were two guys in there before me, but one was needing to have an item looked up, and the other needed to see if they had a replacement for the old part he held.

Mine would be a quick in and out sale, and the two guys waved me ahead.

So, up I went, punching in my phone number on the keypad.

The clerk was evidently surprised that I was in their loyalty club!


Grinning at me, he said, "Thank you, Miss Smith. Is there anything else you need?"

Smiling right back at him, I said, "No, this is all for now, but I'll be back. She has a bit of a drinking problem."

That really made him smile - I was making a joke!

I continued, "She's had that since before she was 18. She's 23 now and still does."

Then, with a big smile, I grabbed my purchase and sauntered out the door.


I should have added that she still lives at home and doesn't have a job - hahahaha!!!

Plus, she just passed another odometer milestone - 236,000!!! - so I was treating her to the good stuff, the fully synthetic for high mileage lasses like herself.
But she'll have to wait for it to breathe a bit and get to the right temperature.
I'd hate to give her a drink that was too cold and might stop her heart.

Nice to be able to share our inside joke with others!


1 comment:

faustina said...

How was "12 Angry Jurors"?
I have no idea.
When J-Dawg bowed out early this evening, I did, too.
The back yard had areas with 2-foot tall Y-grass waving in the breeze, so my concern was the possibility of snakes.
Any time the Casem Canal gets too much water - like the 12 inches Debby gave us - my neighborhood has snakes, possums, and raccoons move in for drier ground.
I mowed with the Ryobi 2 notches below its maximum height, and the battery gave out after 45 minutes.
Barely half the back yard was cut.
Oy very.