Thursday, August 22, 2024

am i ready for this?

Let me preface this by saying that when someone asks to "friend" me on facebook, I usually allow it, figuring that they will eventually go away on their own.
So far, this guy is persisting.
All he has on his fb page is a photo from some time ago, with his two daughters, his status as a widower, and his location as Abu Dhabi.
Still, I okayed the request.
Within a few days, he started contacting me on fb Messenger.
I explained that I did not frequently use fb, so he suggested some other service and I declined.
The last thing I want is some unknown person blowing up my phone.
Then Barbara and Kal died and I had him lay off for a while.
He did, too.
Then, yesterday, he noticed I was on fb and started chatting.
I had no plans, so I responded, and we chatted there for almost an hour until I stopped.
My intention is to stay off for a few days.
I'm hoping he will go back over those messages in the meantime and really read them.
David Wilson is purportedly 63.
That's a little old to just be going on physical attraction, right?
Anyhow, here's the textversation from Messenger.
David Wilson
You're friends on Facebook
Today at 12:26 PM

David Wilson

You sent
Hey, I was just leaving for doc appt. Will be back this evening.

David Wilson
Oh okay.

David Wilson
So tell me do you have any special man in your life right now?
[He has asked this every time we have chatted here.]
David Wilson
So What do you like for fun and what are your hobbies ?
Today at 8:04 PM

You sent
No man, romantically, in my life, but several close male friends that I've had for years.
You sent
For fun: movies , especially action, Marvel & DC Comics, rom-com, scifi, animated, musical.
You sent
Speaking of: musicals, opera, plays, concerts of Broadway tunes.
You sent
Speaking of: music of many genres, but grew up on country, rock, classical, and Broadway.

David Wilson
So what do you wish to tell me more about you ?

You sent
I used to be an avid reader, but I choose to get my story-telling via movies now.

David Wilson
Wow that's very nice.
David Wilson
Please if you don't mind can send me a picture of you?

You sent
you're on fb, so plenty of photos of me there.

David Wilson
Just send me one on here .

You sent — with Faustina Smith at Margaritaville Party.
You sent
me with my youngest brother

David Wilson

You sent
taken last year

David Wilson

You sent
very nice
You sent
So, on your fb page, you had two daughters with you? How old is that photo?

David Wilson
It's 2 years old.
David Wilson
You look so beautiful and younger.

You sent
Thanks, I attribute that to never having to deal with teens.
You sent
My brothers get razzed a lot for looking older than me, though I am the first kid.

David Wilson
Wow that's awesome.
David Wilson
Do you believe in online relationship, have you been in any before?

You sent
I have not. I have used an online service for dating in the past, but it really isn't something I like. I prefer face to face, and I'm not iso a mate.
You sent
I've been married, and enjoyed being married, but I have been on my own for almost 17 years and like the freedom.

David Wilson
Will you love to get married again if only you find the right one?

You sent
Perhaps, but that implies that I am iso, and I am not.

David Wilson
Why won't you love to get married?
David Wilson
Have you had any bad experience from your past?

You sent
I find that many men are interested in having a wife take care of all the mundane stuff that they do not want to handle. I'm not saying the men don't love their wives, because I am sure they do. But the men want a wife, with all that word entails, and I am not interested in the responsibility of taking care of someone else. Taking care of me is responsibility enough.

David Wilson
Do you believe in love at first sight ?

You sent
I do, but I am old enough to also know about lust at first sight, and that folks have a habit of confusing the two four-letter words.

David Wilson
David Wilson
So I guess you don't really like me that much.

You sent
Pardon? I don't even KNOW you yet. Is that not what we are doing right now: trying to get to know each other?

David Wilson
Yes that's it.
David Wilson
How many siblings do you have ?

You sent
I had 3, all brothers, but one died in 2021. How about you? Sisters? Brothers?

David Wilson
No I am the only child of my parents.
David Wilson
I lost my wife together with my mom in a car crash.

You sent
You sent
How long ago was that?

David Wilson
That was 5 years ago.
David Wilson
If you don't mind me asking, why did you divorce your husband?

You sent
That's not very that long ago.

David Wilson

You sent
Jeff and I divorced after 17 years. He had cheated on me with one of his old g'friends in the first two years of our marriage and I told him if he ever did again, I was gone. So that's what happened.
You sent
He and I are still very close, but we could not be a couple ever again.
You sent
I'm good friends with his current g'friend, they have been together 10 years.
I have to go now. Perhaps we shall converse here again in the next few days.
I think a little distance is definitely needed.
I have been careful what I tell this guy, in case he turns out to be an issue.
Seriously, he's 63, been widowed 5 years, and has two school-age kids?
I think he's fishing for a mother and a wife, and I'm not up for those jobs.

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