Monday, August 12, 2024

two feet tall no more

Well, mostly that's true of the back yard. 

This is how I left it on Saturday, with the sun setting and the sensor turning on the headlights on the Ryobi as I pushed the trusty lawnmower through the thick growth.

I did get most of the furrows cut before the battery gave up on the mission.

I can't say that I blame it.

Even though it was almost 8 PM, the temperature was still in the upper 80's, with the heat index adding another ten degrees.

Sunday afternoon, the rain came down, hard.

That meant no mowing for me!

So, that task fell due this evening instead.

I wanted to complete the back yard, that's all, but it was not to be.

The battery slogged away for 45 minutes, as it had before, but not even having the setting on the 4th highest notch was enough to tame it.

See that strip running east from the shed?

Yeah, that will have to await another charging.

I wish I could just pave over half that yard.

I realize that would cost a fortune and would seriously cut into my fun times.

At least the yard is green, right?

Now, it's time to fold laundry and put it away.

This has been a day of getting things done, mostly driven by my need for clean panties.

Hey, I haven't had to wash clothes since before my vacation with Christina and the girls, so... it was definitely overdue.


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