Wednesday, August 7, 2024

i got sunshine, on a cloudy day!

What a lovely makeup game for a rained-out Tina Tuesday!
No, I'm not saying today wasn't Wednesday, 'cause it certainly was.
Nor am I saying that no rain fell today, 'cause it certainly did.
I'm just saying that I was able to do the things I would have normally done yesterday had that tropical storm not interfered.
Foul, I say, most foul!
So, just what was it I did on this unseasonably cool day?
Let's address that anomaly first, shall we?
See that high of 80 listed for today in the WSAV weather song?
That's for real, folks, and doesn't even have a heat index attached.
Nope, it most assuredly does not!
Ordinarily, I'd take advantage of that coolness to mow the yard or something, right?
But, hey, I did yard work yesterday, and the grass is far too wet for the Ryobi.
So, what did I do instead!
I watched free movies at the AMC!
Thankfully, it was open again.
Time for a double header, and I chose to see again two which may soon be leaving.
Neither of them had any guns, either, so that was a big plus.
I'm a bit burned out on that right now.
Which ones did I watch?
First up was "Twisters", which just seemed like a natural choice, right?
It also confirmed my choice to never, ever, ever live in the plains states.
Never, ever, ever.
I had a nice chat with Henry about that and he agrees, though he does have some family that recently moved to Iowa.

I came out of the movie to this beautiful sight!
On a cloudy day!!!
That must have been a gift from "My Girl"!!!
Right place, right time!
Of course I had already planned on going to fill the car's thirsty gas tank, but how wonderful to find the price had dropped to $2.98 - hooray!!!
Then I popped in to Aldi's for a few things, like tortillas and Cheerios...
and the sunshine had been eclipsed by the clouds and a drizzle was falling.
Yep, that was a sign to go see another movie, so I did!
"A Quiet Place: Day One" had been next on my list.
I love the message of the kindness of strangers that it holds.
Come to think of it, the kindness of strangers was at the core of "Twisters", too.
Very nice to have had a theme for the double header!
Homeward bound I was after that, concerned about rush hour traffic...
which turned out to be nonexistent, even though it was 5:30 PM.
That was fine by me!
Tony came by about an hour later to pick me up for "At The Movies" at his church.
But, nope!
He and I were both fooled, as the series had ended last week.
Smitty and Mary were there, so he and I stayed anyway.
The new pastor was trotting out a new series of sermons, which he referred to as "The DNA of a Dangerous Church".
Seriously, that's the title.
He never did explain what the "DNA" might mean, but the series is to promote a closer community within the church by having people join groups.
That's a very good idea, and I do hope that works.

And what's that photo all about?
Well, one of the palm's flower branches was hanging in front of that light and it looked just like a fancy chandelier, so I snapped the photo as we were leaving.
It's a shame the "chandelier", dripping with raindrops like diamonds, doesn't show up.
I know it's there.

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