Monday, August 26, 2024

dessert 1st, please

I finished mowing the front yard and helped myself to a lime OutShine popsicle.
That's my usual treat for that chore.
The time was 24 minutes 'til 8 PM.
So, that meant I was also essentially having my dessert before my dinner.
The Peace Guy would be so pleased that I am continuing our little inside joke.
Honestly, every time I eat dessert before my meal, I think of him, up there in Atlanta.
I really should give my Rogue a call and see about making a visit up there to him and Princeton.
I wonder what flights are costing these days?
Not this weekend, though.
Tony and Laura are having a big Margaritaville party again this year and I've been invited!
Hence, the need to get out my Ryobi these last few days to tame the yards.
When I say 'tame', that's exactly what I mean, too.
I am so tired of mowing all that grass!
As I told the physicist in our textversation, this task is cutting into my social life.
That's because I can't go out to mow until the shade covers the yard and the weather has cooled to something bearable.
That means no earlier than 7 PM, +/- a half hour.
Well, guess what?
That's when most social events get started!
What's a girl to do???
I'll tell you what I've done.
I have cut that grass to within an inch of its life, in both the front and back yards.
With any luck, the dry spell we're having for the next seven days will curtail new growth.
I'm planning to not drag out the Ryobi again until at least the 9th of September!
Two weeks vacation from grass maintenance!

I had intended to have the final mowing yesterday, but then it rained.
So, to perk myself up, I stopped in at Jason's Deli for a treat: dinner for a few days.
I bought a Salad Bar and a Kid's Chicken Penne Alfredo... then I packed out treats from the salad bar while they prepared the pasta.
The Broccoli Salad, with the pasta, was slunch when I got home.
The Red Pepper Hummus, with four pieces of garlic Toast and three mini-cornbread muffins, served me well as dinner last night.
Two of the boiled eggs went into a tortilla, with Mrs. Dash's Lemon Pepper and a packet of Mayo, for an Instant Egg Salad sandwich for breakfast today.
I plan to do the same tomorrow with the other two boiled eggs.

For dinner tonight, I cut up the red onion rings, the red pepper slices, and the zucchini strips and sauteed them with some of the Spicy Giardinera.
That all got mixed together with a can of tuna and some jasmine rice, and I have enough for a repeat tomorrow.
Plus, I still have cauliflower florets topped with Corn and Black Bean Salad for Wednesday!
Four dinners, two breakfasts, and a slunch: all for less than $17.
Thanks, Jason's Deli!
All I added was the tuna (85 cents), two tortillas (50 cent each), and the rice packet (1.29).
The mayo was free.
Can I stretch a budget or what?
And it's so nice to have things already mixed and ready to go.
I'll have to do this again when I'm tired of cooking.
Now, time for a little mindless TV - "Name That Tune" - and a little mindful TV - "The 1% Club" - with both on the one channel.
I'll only need the remote for the political 'mercials.
Speaking of that subject, Reverend Billy actually preached about the Blond Man on Sunday.
He sure did!
His very first sermon back from his summer off in New York City with his first grandchild, and it's a humdinger.
Oops, time to go!

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