Tuesday, August 6, 2024

cabin fever setting in, rain or not

At least the tornado sirens were silent today.
Still, it's rained, in one form or another, all day.
Sometimes just a drizzle, other times a steady downpour, but still rain, however you want to call it.
I even watched the news just now to see how much.
Almost TEN INCHES over the last two days.
That's more than we usually see in two months.
The rivers are straining at accommodating all that extra water.
Already, some of the counties have dams which collapsed under the strain, and roadbeds are cracking from lack of support.
It hasn't been much of a Tina Tuesday, for sure.
The cinemas were closed, so that outlet was not open for me.
Plus, as I said, the rain persisted, as Debby was determined to dump another 4 inches on this port town.
Still, during a lull in precipitation falling from the sky, I went outside, just to get out of the house.
Then I spotted the small trees I'd cut down last Tina Tuesday.
Still in the back yard, lying about they were.
So I dragged them to the front.
I had the long, little trees laid out on both sides of the walkway.
By the time I had stepped in to the house to grab my hand saw and gloves and step back out, the drizzle had started back up.
I waited on the porch to see if it would fade...
and it did!
Out I went, sawing the thicker limbs and trunks, using my pruners to clip the thinner ones.
I rearranged the three piles I already had by the curb, combining two of them now that the heat had wilted their dimensions.
Then, I stacked the new cuttings on top of the two old piles and even made a new pile.
All told, by the time the drizzle started back up, I had three piles to be hauled away.
What to do with my soggy self then?
Time to reward myself with a popsicle... and a nearly-free movie!
Tybee's SOSAFF included one from 1996 that I didn't recall seeing....
and Disney had it...
so, for a dollar, so did I!
"Muppet Treasure Island" was even a musical and starred Tim Curry as Long John Silver - what a treat!!!
And one of the songs was?
"Cabin Fever" - I could totally relate.
Right place, right time.
Sometimes a soggy day works out.

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