Friday, August 23, 2024

invisible trees in the weather song

Sure, it looks like we're having unseasonably cooler weather... but we weren't.
This is the WSAV weather song from the 16th to the 22nd.

Those temperatures all have an added heat index of 15 degrees.
When I checked four days later, on Tuesday, the 20th, a change had set in and that high was higher.

However, the string of temperatures in the mid-80's was scheduled for all the way to Monday, the 26th.

That doesn't mean it was pleasant, as there was still a heat index, but it was "only" 9 degrees.
Now, after only three days, the weather song has had another change.

The temperature for today dropped a little, but the other days are now in the upper 80's rather the low 80's, and sunshine - and highs in the low 90's - are on their way.

Oh, and the heat index is back up to +10.

My guess is it'll rise, too.

Don't like the weather?

Just give it a few days, it'll change.


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