Monday, August 19, 2024

flashback: 19 august 2006?

I'm just guessing at the year that these photos were taken. When the fb memory popped up, it said they were from 2008, but that's incorrect. 
For one thing, the ex is in the photos, and he was living in Mississippi then. 
Also, at some point after our divorce in 2007, Amy had kicked me and Monica out of "Pool Nights at Doug's", me for being divorced and her for being single.
She told us we had no business there with other women's husbands. 
Even though we had been playing pool with the guys for several years...
even though we had all known each other since the early 1990's...
even though our friendship with the guys had preceded Amy's entry into the group...
Monica and I were no longer welcome at Doug's Pool Hall on Tuesday nights.
For real.
So, these photos are just in honor of a time in the past when we would get together to blow off steam, play pool, and listen to good music.

Here's Doug Povie, the man whose man-cave we gathered in.

This features Jason Onks, the only oboe player I've ever known, as he lines up a shot.
(I think he and Beth and their two girls now live in Tennessee.)

Jeff McDermott, my ex, has his back to the camera as he watches the play.

Others who were watching are Rob Norman and Monica McDermott.
Notice all the pictures on the walls!
Doug's Pool Hall really was a swanky place, even though if was in a shed in his back yard.

And these two women on the sofa are both wives of two of the men.

Lindsay, on the left, is Rob's wife.
That's Amy Povie beside her.

Good times, good times...

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