Saturday, August 24, 2024

meals out three nights in a row

On Thursday, after completing my visit with my nutritionist, Elizabeth Carley, at the Savannah VA Center out southside, then bouncing back to the Telfair Pavilion in midtown for the annual mammogram, I was starving.

It was after 3 PM and breakfast was long gone.

So I went to Chili's, to use up the $5.50 balance on the gift card my blue-sky Penny and her hubby had given me for Christmas.

Great idea!

Chips and salsa, half a Chicken Bacon Ranch Quesadilla, and a side salad were perfect!

Thanks, my cousin in Tallahassee!

On Friday, I headed over to Jalapenos of Sandfly, feeling a bit under the weather from the fat-laden meal the day before, but determined to go.

It was, after all, the Smiths & Kamerons Friday Fiesta, and I had missed the last two weeks.

I even sat on one of the high chairs for a while, until the food came.

Then I put the chair away and enjoyed every bite of this Taco Salad with shredded chicken!

Truly I did!

As I told Laura, I bet i haven't had one of those in at least five years.

Then, as we were getting ready to go, I realized I had not yet gotten my check.

"Nope," Laura and Tony said, "today was 'Faustina Day' and your meal was free."

Say what???

My brother and his lovely wife were treating me to dinner!

Thank you, Tony and Laura!

Then, tonight, I returned the favor and treated Carolyn to dinner.

We'd had a mix-up at the cinema, with me going to one movie and her to another, then I'd screwed up the math on when the movies would end and missed her in the lobby.

So, I went home and missed the text that she had waited for me, but we had missed each other somehow.

When I texted back, she was at Carey the H on Waters, having a milkshake.

So, I got dressed again and joined her.

We haven't seen each other since the visitation for Barbara.

So, we sat and talked and caught back up for the next ninety minutes...

and I surprised her by buying her dinner...

that vanilla milkshake.

She has stitches in her tongue from biting it when she fell a few days ago at her house.

So, just soft foods for now until it heals up.

I'm so glad I came out to see her tonight.

i thank You, God, for all the love in my life.

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