Saturday, August 17, 2024

7 brides for 7 brothers, kinda sorta

"That's a pretty old movie. Where did you see that?"

It's only 4 years older than me! By the way, that's the same age difference between Trump and Biden. That came up in a conversation with Danny Beam on fb. I don't think he realized the Blond Man was 78 years old, the same age Biden was when he was elected in 2020. I know there is a minimum age for Presidents, but there should be a maximum age, too.

"Listen, I'm not getting into a political rant..."

No, me, neither, sorry. That "4 year" thing got me.

"So... back to the movie, then?"

Sure thing! And, no, I haven't seen "Seven Brides For Seven Brothers" since I watched it with Mama on a Saturday afternoon when I was in high school. Still, that musical is what came to mind tonight while I was attending "The Pirates Of Penzance".

"Say what? The movie had nothing to do with ships and islands and modern Major Generals."

True, all true, nor did the show have aught to do with farm life and mountains. However, there were several single men involved and several unwed daughters and by the end, all were fairly well matched up!

"Strange, I don't recall that being in the story when you saw it several years ago."

That's because you are confused. This was my very first time ever seeing "The Pirates Of Penzance". You've heard some of the songs before, and you've heard of how Reverend Billy and Cheri met at auditions for that musical while both were seeking careers on Broadway several decades ago. However, I have never seen the play, so neither have you. I think you have it confused with "H.M.S. Pinafore", which is also by Gilbert and Sullivan.

"Snap. Yes, you're correct, and that was longer ago than I had thought. At least I had remembered it was performed by the Asbury Memorial Theatre troupe."

That is correct. Tonight's performance was the penultimate show from the SVF12, with me again serving as a volunteer with Kim, Penny, and Lonnie. This was, by far, the largest audience yet, more than 200! And here's the biggest difference: children were there!!! Hooray!!! The majority of the events have a lot of white - or dyed - hair sitting in the seats.

"That's not good. What made the difference?"

The show was performed at the Yamacraw Performing Arts Center. That's part of Garrison Middle School, so that helped greatly. Having students actually in the play, as well as more children helping behind the scenes, was a great encouragement for a younger audience, too. Remember how big the audience had been for "The Little Prince"? Same venue, same involvement level with children. Chad Sonka, the director, had a lot to do with that.

"Good for him! And good for the Savannah VOICE Festival, too. They need to try to include something to bring in that crucial younger audience. hard to have a festival if your audience is all aging out of attending."

For real. So, shall I tell you about the story behind this comic opera?

"Yes, please!"

Let's start with the modern Major General, shall we? He's an aged fellow, played quite nicely by Torlef Borsting, and he has a plethora of daughters not yet married off. What to do, what to do? Enter the Pirate King (Logan C. Kenison) with problem of his own. Frederic (Joshua Berg), an indentured servant and the hardest worker on his ship, newly turned 21, with his freedom kicking in at midnight. Oh, no! An attempt to trick him into staying - saying that since he was born on February 29 and thus has not yet had 21 'birthdays' - failed. Oh, but the lad had met and fallen in love with Mabel (Abigail Brodnick), one of the MJ's daughters! Surely he could not expect her to wait for him to serve out his indenture until that 21st 'birthday'!

"Hahahaha! Hoisted by math!!!"

Ah, not yet! You see, the military man has discovered that these pirates are all actually noblemen who, bored with their lives, took on the sea. Noblemen? And all single? Perfect for marrying off his daughters! And that would end their life at sea, too, so there would be no need for a lad to do all the heavy lifting anymore. Happiness for all!

"Hahahaha! Such fun!!!"

Truly it was. I'm so glad my final volunteer gig was with this delightful show! I even got to see Jim LoBue and Sue Gorecki there, too, as well as familiar faces from this season. Many thanks to the SVF12 for allowing me to partake!

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