Saturday, September 14, 2024

flashback: 14 september 2014

Once upon a time... 
This tale is from a decade ago, but it began a few years earlier.
That was 2011, after my stepdad died and I inherited a share of what was left of Mama's estate, eleven years after her death.

I became Fliss of Kickstarter, helping dreams come true!
One of those I helped was a musician, David Lareau.
His dream was to get his CD, "Hugs From Distant Neighbors", produced, and that became reality in 2012.

As he was a Tallahassee native, I had a dream of my own: to go hear him and his band, The Copperpots, play.
The stars aligned in 2014!
The 319 Wine & Cheese Shoppe was hosting him for their Friday 'happy hour', so south I went!
I even had company for the drive: Jeff Secrest came along to meet my cousin and hear some music!
Here's the caption on fb for this photo: "Just David, no Copperpots this time - very nice acoustic set and then he came over and had a beer and talked with us for a while. Woohoo!!!"

I even had him sign the CD.

We spent the night with my blue-sky Penny and her hubby, Steve, there in Tall'ee.

The next day, we ate cold-cut sandwiches and had lemon cake for dessert.

We visited with Aunt Linda, too, who came over to coach Jacob and Alex in math.

Then, at some point, we returned to Savannah.

Those are all the details I have from that fb post.

Glad I took photos!


1 comment:

faustina said...

Curious, I looked around on the ether to see what had become of that musician.
By 2018, he was with Whiskey In The Pines, which may have been what The Copperpots became.

Then, I found another interview with David, this time in 2021, about him and that band.

The band had a YouTube channel, but it's been taken down.
They still have a fb page, though no one has posted there since 2022.
I wonder why?