Thursday, May 10, 2018

best used car and eagle booty

"The best used car is the one you're still using."
Amen to that!
The sign was hanging in the waiting room at the Firestone on Abercorn.
I was there to get a much-needed synthetic oil change (at half the price I'd paid elsewhere) and two new tires for the back.
Then I found out that the tires I had (from another place) were not the right size - they were narrower and shorter than the ones recommended in the manufacturer's specifications.
Thanks for catching that, y'all!
I had known my car was not handling curves as it once did...
but that's all better now!
With new Primewells all around, my 2001 Saturn handles like new again!

Afterward, I bopped over to Armstrong for the Staff Appreciation Picnic.
(Hey, they sent me the invite, so I accepted!)
Free lunch is awesome, right? Especially when that lunch consists of roast pork loin and roast beef! There was other food, too, but none that was dairy-free or strawberry-free. That's just fine, though! I doubled up on all that lovely meat and even fixed a heaping helping that went home with me for more free meals!
What's with all the swag in the photo?
Well, along with lunch, bingo was being played and those were the prizes!
No, I didn't get 'bingo!' that many times - though I did 'win' one of the wood-look notebooks and an Eagle bottle opener that way.
The others - the other notebook and opener, as well as the bags and bags of peanuts - were obtained afterward. They had a table full of Georgia Southern booty and invited all to come up and take some... so I did!
One of the notebooks and some peanuts are already in my satchel for my vacation next week. Those will come in handy at the Kennedy Space Center!
Oh, yeah, baby!
Life is good!

i thank You, God!

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