Sunday, May 6, 2018

no more bananas with Bill

My dear artist friend, the one who I think of first when looking for a companion to baseball games, is returning to California after 14 years.
You see, he still has a brother and a sister out there.
As he puts it, "We're all getting older and I want to see them more often."
Amen to that, Bill!
That's the primary reason I had returned to Savannah after the Navy.
It's also the primary reason I had returned to Savannah after my doctorate.
This was where Mama was, so that's where I wanted to be.
Now, it's still where my three brothers are.
This is also where the majority of my nieces and nephews and greats live.
He has those, too, and they are all on the left coast.
Soon, he will be in Chico, as will be his beloved dog, Tucker.
Hasta que te vuelva a ver, mi querido amigo.

Bill has been an active member of Asbury Memorial United Methodist Church for most of the years here in Savannah.
As a tall, lean man with a beard, he was type-cast as Jesus in several productions, especially around Easter and other high holy days.
Today, Reverend Billy called Bill to the front of the sanctuary for a formal farewell. Bill took a moment to pass the acting torch, figuratively, to another tall, bearded member.
We all joined Bill in reciting the Peace Prayer of Saint Francis of Assissi.
That's Bill's patron saint.
With his shared love of animals, how could he not be?
Bill was known for hosting a Feast of Saint Francis at the beginning of each October. He always encouraged us to bring pet food or money to donate, then he would take the welcome gifts to a pet shelter.
He has always been such an inspiration!

I am forever grateful that he graced me with this piece of himself for my 55th birthday.
"Ocean, Tumultuous" has welcomed me home every day for the last five years.
As soon as I open my front door, there he is.
That's right, I said "he", for the multimedia creation is most assuredly masculine.
Perhaps that is partly what attracted me to the work so strongly for so many years.
Mostly, though, I love the embodiment of change and struggle and survival.
As I said, I am forever grateful to Bill for this gift.

Here's to future baseball games in a new locale!
I'll look forward to sharing a hot dog and a beer in Chico with him!

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