Wednesday, May 30, 2018

bumbershoot for missing ducks in new zealand!

This way to fun!
I'm going to have to suggest that they
paint that message on the rising steps -
above their name, of course!
Where was I on this hump day of the week?
At the Loft on Liberty, back for more...
more Odd Lot, that is, on the third day
of their free shows for Savannah -
their Wacky Wednesday!!!

So, what did they have to offer on this
post-birthday night of improv?
Well, how about this "Actor's Nightmare"
shared by Thomas and Justin?
It hearkened back to my days in Oki
with its talk of kimonos -
that was a treat!
Then, Trick and Dom (new to me)
were "Statues", skating on thin ice -
in the summer, no less! -
with a little help from the audience.
At one point, they almost "skated" right
off the stage and into my lap!
Whew - close call!
hahahaha hahaha!
The Three-Headed Storyteller -
featuring Dom, Trick, and Justin -
had a charming story about a missing
potato who wandered too close to
a vat of boiling oil...
but look at those lovely French-fried
, y'all - tasty!
The same trio made their way to
New Zealand in the game of "Slips",
using audience-suggested dialogue.
(No, none of my lines found their way
onto that stage, alas.
Not even the refrain of the filk song
from TBBT
- that would have rocked!)
Those were all entertaining bits, they certainly were.
But there was another new-to-me guy up there tonight and I found him to be very smart and witty.
In this game of "Impromptu Shakespeare" with Thomas, Chad was a guy with a faulty car, popping in and out of the Bard's tongue as easily as Thomas did.
That was impressive!
I had first seen him in this episode of "The
Bachelorette Game" wherein he was a truck-driving
mama with a Gayle-length beehive 'do tucked up
under 'her' cap - funny!
'She' had to choose between a would-be psychic (Thomas), a horse whisperer (Trick), and a flaming narcissist (Justin).
Me? I found the psychic charming, but 'she' went
for the ego-centric fellow. :-)
So, there were those two skits bookending this one,
my favorite of the entire evening.
I should think everyone knows I adore the "Noir",
with its kooky detective and broken 4th wall...
I know I've raved about those skits before, right?
The topic du jour was the "Case of the Missing
Ducks", and Chad had taken a brief moment to
change into character...
specifically, into a gum-cracking bimbette with curly blonde locks, who had sashayed into the office of detective Thomas to solicit his help.
"All of the ducks at the pond are gone!
Even Steve, the duck no one liked, is missing!
Oh, where could they be?"
All said while batting eyelashes and tossing hair and
twirling a tress with one hand.
As one with blonde roots that run deep,
I could totally relate to her!
Especially when Thomas stepped to stage edge
in an aside and 'she' was wondering aloud
who he was talking to and where was he going
and when was he going to find the ducks?
Such a hoot and a half!

Yes, like, I said, those skits (and others) were all quite entertaining... and were just the first part of the show. For real! I hadn't realized that this was a two-parter! The random skits were first, with a game show following a brief intermission.

The game show - at least this time - was titled "Pants On Fire". All five actors tonight, plus the emcee (Jason) were on stage to provide definitions for words that sounded fake, but were not.
Two audience members played against each other in guessing which actor had given the correct definition.
If the contestant guessed correctly, the actor would confirm and the contestant would score.
This youngster didn't do too well with these nonsense-sounding words, such as collywobbles - perhaps she should study body language, as sprawling Justin was the one who had supplied the correct meaning!
Honestly, though, I doubt I would have done any better.
Of the seven or so words that were bandied about by group, the only one I knew was bumbershoot.
Not because it was correctly defined by Chad -
though it was, as the contestant knew -
but because I am a fan of "Mary Poppins",
both the English nanny and the renegade Yondu.

Now, off I go, solo, to watch a new movie about a renegade: "Solo: A Star Wars Story"!
(Hey, how's that for a segue? Pretty smooth!)
Better yet, I'm seeing it in BigD at the Wynnsong, with popcorn and Coke ICEE, for only seventy-three cents!
I'd tell you how I did that trick, but the movie is about to start...

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