Wednesday, May 30, 2018

fresh start to my new year!

Yesterday, I had busied myself with cleaning up around here.
That meant I washed my hair. That's actually a big deal when there is as much hair as I have! It cannot be towel-dried, as that causes far too many snarls for a brush to undo. No, the hair has to first stay in a towel turban for at least a few minutes, then released and allowed to air dry for at least two hours before brushing.
As I was already taking a shower when I washed my hair, I also shaved my legs. That chore is hardly worth doing, as I have so little stubble at my age... well, not on my legs or armpits. (Don't look too closely at the chin, though.)
While my hair was in the turban, I clipped my toenails. (The best time to do that is right after the shower, as the nails are softer then and will cut cleanly.) I wear my sandals almost always, so trim nails on the feet are a must!
Once I was all squared away, then it was time to work on my bedroom, my sanctuary.
The flannel sheets were stripped away and replaced by crisp linen.
I removed the red Korean double-mink blanket, which I've had since Peter Derby gave it to me in 1981. (He had bought it when he went there on a TAD mission.) After so many years of spring-time washings, it is still as soft and lush and warm and brilliantly hued as it has been since I first received it in Okinawa.
I removed the electric mattress pad warmer, too, as the nights are warm enough without it.
(Now, I have a pile of bed 'clothing' to be washed. Maybe tomorrow?)
I also dusted in my bedroom. The two night tables, the head board, my rocking chair (from my days in Panama) - all received the soft touches of Puffs Plus tissues. Yes, that's right - aloe-enhanced tissues for dusting! They're strong, but soft, and they're lint-free. Plus, they can just be tossed away afterward!
As for the kitchen, that was neat and tidy when I awoke.
No, elves did not clean while I slept... though that would have been welcomed.

I had washed dishes yesterday, after my morning
and afternoon meals.
Along with these two slices of Spanky's Special pizza (two more are frozen!), I had a new type of coffee:
Seattle's Best House Blend.
Pretty good, but I'm glad it was a BOGO deal.
(I put the rest of it into the container to be mixed
with whatever else is in there.)

Lunch was actually served as a two-course meal.
Here is my first serving of the chilled Shrimp Trifle
I had prepared with the leftover boiled shrimp
from the Bon Vivant dinner a few days ago.
Isn't this such a pretty presentation?
What's that? A trifle is a sweet dish?
Well, actually, I don't believe there is any law
that says they absolutely must be sweet...
(though apparently that is inherently understood).
When I had another serving a few hours later,
I didn't have the chips to ring around it.
Instead, I posed the Shrimp Trifle container in
the Sun Room, for comparison.
See the pretty layers, with each one distinct?
There's the garbanzos on the top, black beans next,
then the RoTel mingled with the chopped shrimp.
Beautiful - and very tasty!
I do believe I'll finish that off now!

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