Sunday, May 20, 2018

happy 2,018th birthday, church!

We all had the cake after the service,
but I'm the one who got the gift...
more on that in a minute.
I had been asked if it was Asbury Memorial's birthday
and I had replied that it was.
That was incorrect.
Today, Pentecost Sunday, was the celebration of the birth of all churches based upon the following of Christ's teachings of love and empathy and healing.

Now, let me make one thing clear: May 20th is not always the date of Pentecost.
Also, some parts of the world and some branches of Christianity observe this day of celebration by the name Whitsun.
Me? Somehow I had not known it by either name, but I know it now.
I prefer the name based on the ancient Greek word, pentēkostḗ. That means "fiftieth" and is very appropriate, as this celebration always occurs on the fiftieth day after Easter.
Why is that significant?
Well, the Apostles were still in Jerusalem, observing Passover. Remember, they were Jews - just as Jesus was - and the observance of Passover lasted for fifty days and was known as Shavuot, "The Feast of Weeks" or the "Feast of 50 Days". (Notice the overlap between current religious holidays?)
So there's the setting, as laid out in the Acts of the Apostles, the fifth book in the New Testament of the Bible.
They had not made any headway in spreading the teachings of Jesus. Besides skepticism, there was a language barrier, as so many people of different nations came to the seaport (as they do here). The Apostles could not speak these many languages, nor could the travelers understand their native tongue.
Then, a miracle occurred.
The Holy Ghost descended upon them and granted them universal translation, such that they could understand the languages of the others and those listening to the Apostles could understand their message.

To bring that home for us, Reverend Billy enlisted the aid of four parishioners to speak Spanish, French, Malayalam, and Hebrew.
At first, he would read a line of the Lord's Prayer, then each would take their turn with that same line, in their given language.
And so they proceeded, until the final portion.
"For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever and ever."
That was spoken by all simultaneously, blending into a harmonious sum.
The "Amen" was the same in all five languages.
Wow - what an incredible religious experience!
(Click here to listen and share that gift.)
i thank You, God, that I was there.

I should have invited Tony to come with me.
We had breakfast together earlier,
at Sunnyside Up.
I should have invited Smitty and Mary to
come along, too.
They were also at the breakfast and
even treated us to the meal.
Laura should also have been invited
to my church for this service.
She is Tony's fiancée and this was
our first meeting of her.
Her stepdad, George, should also have
received an invitation to AMUMC.
They had both traveled from Missouri
to meet us and to check out Savannah
after an absence of thirty years.
I know what I'll do!
I'll share this post with them, as well as
the link to the sermon.
I think that will serve nicely to introduce
them to my church.
Oh, and the gift?
This navy blue, sea star-bedecked bag was Laura's
gift to me for welcoming her to the family.
She's a keeper!

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