Monday, May 28, 2018

60th birthday eve!

Funny, I don't feel a day over 18 - most days!
This has certainly been one of the good ones!
That's because it was finally time for
my birthday party at Grayson Stadium!
Again, the Savannah Bananas had to disguise it
as Fan Fest 2018, but that was just fine -
they supplied and prepared all the food and
would even handle the clean up afterward!
How magnificent of them!
I invited almost everyone I know that lives around these parts, oh, yeah!
So did they!
"The biggest Memorial Day party in Savannah is here!
Join us tonight (Monday, May 28th) from 5:00PM-7:00PM at Historic Grayson Stadium for Fan Fest!
This is a RAIN OR SHINE event!
This event is completely free- we'll even have free All-You-Can-Eat burgers, chicken sandwiches, hot dogs, popcorn, cookies, soda, and water!
Get autographs and pictures with the 2018 Bananas players and coaches!
Let your kids play in the Sun Country Kids Zone (for free!), run the bases, and even play catch with the Bananas!
Watch batting practice and the first ever Bananas home run derby!
Check out the entertainment for 2018 and meet Tyler Gray, Director of Fun!
There's no need to RSVP - we'll see you there!
I had been waiting for this since I first heard about it, at least two months ago.
Initially, there wasn't going to be free food... but, let's face it, everyone loves that!

Everybody loves a marching band, too!
Here's the Bananas Band, on the field
and regaling the crowd!
And see that fellow - center-frame -
in the leopard-spotted suit and
tall orange socks, dancing about?
That's the new guy, Tyler.
We'll see how he works out!
Speaking of dancing about -
and things near center-frame -
there's the top Banana himself,
Split, two-stepping out there
in the infield
with someone's Grandma!
That's a home run move
in my book!
Oh! Here's one more with a
center-frame image of fun!
See that woman in the blue
shorts and red shirt?
That's my friend Julie!
You can't tell, but she was chasing
a friend's kid as he ran the bases.
Let's see, what else did we have?
Well, while everyone was arriving
and getting their dinner and seats
there were the new Bananas
having a bit of batting practice
early on...
followed later on by the new Bananas
playing catch with those enterprising
kids who had brought their gloves...
ah, I love the smell of
baseball(s) in the air!
I'll see them at my first game -
and their second - on Friday -

Okay! I've had my free dinner!
I've had a bit of fresh air and exercise (as I strolled around the bases) at my free party!
Time for some Monday Night Madness,
as only Odd Lot can do it!
Better yet - it's free, too!!!
As five-year champions of Best Comedy Team in Savannah, they're giving it away all this week - just in time for all of this to be a gift for my 60th birthday!!
(But, ssshhhh! We'll let everyone think it's a gift for the city, okay? Just like the party earlier that the Bananas gave me!)

Now, time for some improv!
Nothing like a little "Ding!" right off the bat!
(Hey, did you catch that inside joke?)
And just what was it that Kyuu, Doug, and Lynita
were trying to do?
Open a pickle jar!
Hahahaha hahaha!
I can so relate to that!
Next up?
How about a little "Actor's Nightmare"?
Bwah ha ha!
Soucyman is trying to check out at the store,
but he can't get his melting ice cream past
Jason's totally zoned out clerk -
I can relate to that, too!
Dadada da dadada duh! "Dating Game" time!
Starring bachelorette Doug, working 'her' way through
the questions with the narcoleptic (Kyuu), Rumpelstiltskin (Lynita),
and Bruce Banner-Hulk (Jason) -
what a quandary for 'her' -
and what fun for all of us!
Then it was my favorite time of night -
Society dame Lynita was missing her
blue suede shoes and only
Detective Soucyman could help her...
or could he?
Stay tuned right here, folks...
But wait! "This Just In"!
Snack Lightly and Chuck Meat (aka Jason and Doug)
have interrupted the scheduled broadcast
with a breaking news story!
Over to their man on the street...
their Soucyman, that is, with his report!
"It's Monday, I'm In Love!" has swept over the citizens -
(this Cure by my suggestion, y'all!) -
including Snack's wife, snuggling right there in public!
Oh, the humanity!

Yes, there were more skits in their repertoire that night...
like "Change Switch" over a missing party invitation (seriously, I sent it!)...
and "First, Middle, Last" in an escape room, guessing head sizes...
plus, that delightful "Shakespeare" bit involving grooming a Shabrador...
then the exploits of "The Vinklefos Twins" as only the 3-Headed Storyteller could relate...
no use in pleading, I shall not show those photos tonight...
perhaps sometime in the future?
Let me just add this one last thing...
i thank You, God, for this delightful Birthday Eve!

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