Friday, December 16, 2022

is clarice the buffalo girl for rudolph?

"You talkin' to me?"

I sure thought I was. You see anyone else around here?

"Just askin'. Your question seems a bit odd, given that the movie you just watched had Clarence in it, but not a Clarice, so I thought you might be confused."

No, I'm not confused. Yes, I just finished "It's A Wonderful Life" with the AARP MFG folks. Yes, Clarence is the name of the wingless angel in that movie. 

"Gotcha. So what's that about buffalo girls?"

Surely you remember... after the dance, when George walked Mary home, they were singing "Buffalo Gals Won't You Come Out Tonight" and he asked her if she wanted him to lasso the moon for her. Right?

"Sure, sure, I remember that."

Well, I had missed that part of the story tonight. But, I was right on time for her inviting him in, having carefully set up her drawing and put the needle on the record. He had just happened to be passing by after leaving a party at his mom's. And Mary just happened to be standing vigil in an upstairs window, waiting for him to walk on by.

She gets him to come in and is flirting as much as she can, but he's working hard at not catching a clue and is about to leave when the phone rings. It's their old buddy Sam and he wants to talk to both of them when he hears George is there. So, there the two of them are, huddled close to the earpiece, him smelling her hair and his lips near hers... and they finally kiss!

"Right place, right time!"

For real! That's the scene I love most in this holiday classic! I'm so glad I hadn't missed it.

"And that would have been because of Clarice?"

Yes, that would have been because of Clarice, and because of Rudolph, too. The Savannah Children's Theatre switched over to "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer" this year instead of the Charlie Brown story I love so much. That turned out to be just fine!

"I'm sure, as it was a musical, just like that one."

Well, yes, that did have a role in my liking it, but not just because of the play's genre.

"I'm betting it was those misfits. You've got a real soft spot in your heart for them."

I really do! And after I saw them, I couldn't just walk out during intermission and miss seeing them rescued, now could I? Could I? Well, perhaps I could have, but there's no way I would have, especially after seeing the Charlie In The Box and the Doll and the Train with its square wheels, alive and singing on the Island of Misfit Toys! And the little blue Plane and the Polka-dotted Elephant and, best of all, the little Cowboy riding a Flamingo!!!

"Wait a minute! That's supposed to be an ostrich!"

I know, and that's what the child said he was riding, but that long, pink, neck just had to be that of a 'mingo! I doubt there are birds down under that have that shade of pink on their necks!

"Well, you could always research to find out..."

... or, I can just relish the thought of a Cowboy riding a flamingo! Yep, that's what I can do, and that's my choice to do so! I know Miyah is going to love hearing about that one!

"Yeah, that littlest girl sure loves those fuchsia birds."

Me, too! Yep, me, too!

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