Monday, December 12, 2022

grinchy fun with lunch-e-on

Had to get it to rhyme, didn't I?
Of course I did!
It's been one of those lovely days, 
even if 'twere a bit chilly.
That's because I was in the company 
of the Chemistry Ladies!
This is us, taken at my insistence 
just before we departed.
Our group has grown since
at Cracker Barrel.
Lea, in the teal top, made our fifth.
Brooke, bless her, is still the youngest,
but the gap is not as wide now.
She's getting in her nursing practice now,
so she stays crazy busy.
Then there's Cathy, Yvonne, and,
wearing Mama's Christmas tree pin,
me, in a top that looks lighter than it is.
Those two plan to retire in two years, or,
as they put it, four more semesters.
Hooray for them!!!
And what did we have at Cracker Barrel?
Well, two of the party had the fried turkey.
That was not my choice.
That was the selection of both Yvonne and Brooke.
Another had the vegetable soup and a salad.
Nope, not mine, either, but for Cathy, our eldest.
Leah had the four veggies plate.
Good choice, and one I tend to get often.
However, not this time.
With so much Grinch viewing of late, I had a taste for one thing, and one thing only: Roast Beast!
Oh, so very good it was, too!
And everyone, including the waitress, got a kick out of me calling it that!
Best of all, there was a gracious plenty of it, with me taking home half of the meat and the fries.
Even better, after seeing "Dr. Seuss' The Grinch" again this afternoon - to catch the bits I'd missed on Saturday - I knew exactly what to do with the leftovers: Who Hash!!!
The recipe built itself in my mind on the drive home.
Yes, and yes, bought at Aldi's last week!
I diced up a medium purple onion and a large stalk of the celery and set them to saute.
Then it was to dice the steak fries and roast beast from the luncheon.
Into the pan they went!
Then, to please the Grinch's taste buds, generous sprinkles of Mrs Dash Garlic & Herbs!
Oh, my, what a heavenly aroma!
But something else was needed...
I've got it!
When I was growing up, hash was always served atop rice!
I'd bought some of that at Aldi's, too!
And it was, too.
Ah, such a lovely day I've had!

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