Thursday, December 8, 2022

willie has NOT left the building!

I have tried several times over the last four months to call the man, but with no success.
Even leaving messages when his phone allowed, but with no answering call.
That's when I went 'old school' and put pen to paper.
"November 27, 2022
Dear Willie,
Hey old man! I've tried to call several times, but have not been successful at making contact. Good thing I have your mailing address!
I hope this finds you in good spirits, still enjoying food from a Thanksgiving feast. My sister-in-law, Mary, fixed me up with five containers of leftovers and I've really enjoyed having them. My brother Harvey had smoked a turkey, fried a turkey, and had a spiral ham, too! There were nine of us there and we all went home with several containers of food.
It was so good to see my nephews (Zach and Tyler) and niece (Christy) with their children, too. We only see each other on facebook except for these holidays.
That's why I went ahead and brought my great-nephew (Kobe, 12) and great-niece (Caitlyn, 15) their Christmas gifts! I'm giving holiday ornaments this year, as they're old enough to enjoy them.
Okay, hope to hear from you soon!
with my love!"
Then I waited for a response.
I knew that if he couldn't call, then his niece, Jackie, would.
And tonight, he called!!!
I was watching "Buffy The Vampire Slayer", specifically the episode titled "Once More, With Feeling", in which every one of them sings their secrets and break each other's hearts.
Hey, at least this time I knew what was going on.
And the man who says he has "baseball in my blood" called me himself!
How about that!

We talked for about twenty-five minutes, then he took a break and let me and Jackie talk for another five or so minutes.
Very nice!
She and I are close in age and have chatted several times over the past few years.
This time, she even sent me a photo of him with his cousin who had visited for Thanksgiving!
Willie hit a rough patch for a while in October, when we had a cold spell set in, so he had missed the World Series for the first time ever.
I guess that was enough to prompt his cousin to come see him, and they had a quite lovely visit with him and Jackie and her husband.
I should plan a trip over to see him myself.
At 84, he's not getting any younger.
Maybe I can even bring him some Bananas stuff when I go...
yeah, I found a ball cap a few days ago!
I know he'll like that!

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