Monday, December 26, 2022

sho up time FT2BOFF

So... remember last month, when I was getting a flurry of films for a buck?
Well, that well dried up three weeks into December.
Not wanting to have just three movies in the second installment of the From Teens 2 Business Owners Film Festival, I cast about for some way to beef it up...
and that's when I found that Up Faith & Family had some freebies!
Well, alrighty then, as Bruce would say!
Then I mined some more free ones from SHO Time - 
pardon me while I pat myself on the back for flexing those brain muscles.
What goodies did I find?
I'll start with one I saw multiple times.
That means "The Long Kiss Goodnight" is front and center; it was also at the top of my wish list for comcast rewards.
Schoolteacher Samantha subbed for Santa's sweetie on the sleigh, not realizing the chain of events that would bring her way.
See, the spy life had slipped her mind for the last 8 years.
Then, a bump to the head during a tussle with a drunk in her car after a Christmas party started the noggin whirring again.
Good thing, too!
She needed Charlie to swim to the surface if she stood a chance against Operation Honeymoon and her ex with his big 4" - ahem, is that for me, honey? - blade!
Yeah, I do so love the puns and double entendres in this piece!
That's how I spent the first weekend.
Then I wanted "It's A Wonderful Life"... but I would have had to shell out 12 bucks, and I don't mean reindeer.
Incredibly, I stumbled onto an alternate from 2002: "It's A Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie", complete with Kermit and crew.
Well, that would do nicely... and it did!
Kermit was despondent about losing the theatre before the holiday show.
No need to fear, dear frog!
Daniel, the heavenly accountant, will set your books right and he has a handbook to help him out!
That means Miss Piggy will no longer be a frumpy cat lady - cat pig? - sporting a "Felines Navidad" ugly sweater while baking cookies.
Poof! She's a sequined diva again, sending out for holiday treats!
The money bag lost by Fozzie when he bumped into Santa is recovered!
Gonzo goes from homeless hobo back to stage manager status!
And Mrs. Bitterman, played with delight by Joan Cusack, goes to jail!
Ah, if only Mr. Potter had that fate!
Glad I had the chance to see this...
and to "Die Hard" the third weekend!

That was an almighty Bruce, alrighty!
"Roy" was just trying to see his kids for Christmas, and he'd flown from the East Coast to California to do it.
First, though, he had to hang fire at the wife's Christmas party at work.
He'd just gotten comfy, shoes off, when all hell broke loose... of course!
The gang's gunfire got his goat, so he'd adopted the cowboy moniker as his alias.
No sense in tipping his hand to Hans that he was a cop!
That bought him a little time, but Hans was one sharp - as well as sharp dressed! - smooth-talking man.
Eventually, with most of his men taken out of play by either the roving cop or mischance, it came time for a showdown between the man with no shirt and the man clad in the jacket and tie.
Yippee-kiy-ay, y'all!
Wow, I so love this movie!!!
Hold on a sec while I regain my composure.
So, where was I?
Oh, yes, I had finished the last of the Reward movies and was moving on UP.
(Got that joke? Got the reference to the TV show, too? Good!)
By this time, it was Friday, the 23rd, and I knew no more Rewards were forthcoming.
No worries, I'd pick out some on my own and they'd be completely free!
UP Faith & Family gave me quite a lovely bunch:
"We Three Kings", a 2021 documentary of how the song came into being.
"It's Christmas, Carol", one I'd liked so much last year!
"Lucy Shimmers And The Prince Of Peace", wherein a young girl with cancer helps a convict reconnect with his family - very sweet and positive and possibly true.
"Falling In Love With The Girl Next Door" - the title doesn't factor in the longstanding duel between his mom (Patty Duke!) and hers (Shelley Long!). Lots of fun!
"Santa Claws", a 2015 bundle of furry fluff featuring Patches, Mittens, and Hairball!
"12 Dogs Of Christmas", from 2012, to balance out the feline fantasy!
"Heavenly Deposit" was not humorous, but was well done, dealing with sons and fathers.

Those were all seen from the 23rd through a freezing Christmas Day.
Then I discovered that SHO Time was trying to show me some movies!
"Free Fire"?
Oh, yes, I loved this movie when it came out in 2016!
An arms deal gone wrong due to the feud between the drivers?
John Denver music blasting from the getaway van as it spun in circles?
Almost 90 minutes of gunfire between the opposing factions?
Yeah, this was sheer fun!
The next one, "Fully Realized Human", was a crowd-sourced labor of love (the joke is coming...) and certainly had its fun moments as the expecting parents (get it now?) tried to make sure they'd not be like their parents.
"Last Call" has Jeremy Pivens as a fellow just trying to not get pulled back into the pot with all the other crabs when he returns home to bury his mom.
Not many laughs in there, except perhaps a few wry ones.
"Last Vegas" made up for it, though, with Robert DeNiro, Kevin Kline, Morgan Freeman, and Michael Douglas as the Flatbush Four, friends for almost six decades, off to have one more bachelor party blowout!
Yeah, that was a good one to end on.

1 comment:

faustina said...


Here's a note I'd made to myself after my third watching of "Die Hard".

- - - - - - - - -
But, why, Santa, why?

Because I was 30 years old and there were three men on screen, alive and vibrant and so different,that tickled my libido, that's why.

Whistling, wise-cracking, wholesome boy next door - that was Bruce Willis.

Cool, Cocky, coat-swirling, classy, cultured, chic - Alan Rickman, for sure.

Lithe, loose, lynx-like - that surely was Alexander Godunov.

My, oh, my... and all together in one place for my viewing pleasure!

Of course "Die Hard" is on my Christmas radar!