Thursday, December 22, 2022

22 december 2022

This day has been a hard one.
My stepmom, Bonnie, sent a long text earlier this afternoon.
She told me Merritt and Conner really liked the fish ornaments.
(I had bought them at the museum store at the Jepson. 
As both of the boys love to go fishing, I thought those were perfect for them, as well as quite unusual.
The bigger one, with the white-tipped snout, is Merritt's, while the sleek and shorter one is Conner's.
Aubree, my niece, got the girly one in glasses.)
Bonnie then talked about the weather before getting to the news.
Bobbi had died.

She was the mother of both boys.
Like my brother Ronnie, she was involved with drugs and alcohol too much.
She was in jail again and was being moved on Tuesday from one facility to another when she suddenly went into cardiac arrest and died.
Her memorial service will be in Waycross next Thursday.
I'm holding on to those memories of her when she was younger, playing with her two young sons, helping Bonnie care for Daddy.
Then, this evening, I had a missed phone call from Lauri, down in Florida.
I had fears that it was about her Mom, but it wasn't.
She and her little dog were off to New York to visit the parents for the holidays, per usual.
However, a flight delay ended with her staying in a hotel in Philadelphia, courtesy of the airlines.
So far, so good.
But Christa never made the flight the next morning.
Her folks, unable to reach her, had called the airlines, checking to see if she had been on a later flight, asking about where she might be.
They were finally put in touch with the hotel staff, who were grateful to have family to talk to about the young woman who had not responded to a wake-up call and had been found dead.
Christa was only 45 years old.
I was on the phone with Lauri for over an hour.
We eventually got past the tears and into good memories and signed off.
She had already spoken to mi amigas, so that is done.
I'm going to make a bowl of soup for dinner and watch the last two "Ghosts" four-pack of fan favorites on the telly.
Then I'll watch "The Unnatural" on "The X-Files" and have a good cry.
I just can't believe these two women are gone.

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