Sunday, December 25, 2022

surrounded by love, always

Merry Christmas to all, whether physically present or far, far away on a different plane of existence.

Reverend Billy and his family greeted the congregation in their pajamas this morning.
Not in person, as it was below freezing outside.
I hope they might have recorded that youTube session some other, warmer, day.
Surely the church was too cold for that new grandbaby to be there.

The weather is certainly too cold for my warm heart for me to be out in it.
That's why I called Smitty and Mary a few moments ago to let them know I would not be there.
But I'm not alone...
this rainbow heart assures me of that.
That shimmering sign of love made me look around my home with new eyes.
The bird of paradise painting was a gift from Auntie Arlene and Uncle Larry, as that was the flower I held when I married Jeff.
That spray of silver coral?
That's all that remains of that bouquet, but both items remind me of love and friendship.

The carp tote bag was a gift from Paul and Cathy from a Christmas several years ago.

The smaller wooden fish on the stand (from Panama) were gifts from Mother Pat.
The others were accumulated on trips to Saint Augustine and other vacations, to mark happy times.
This painting of the bridge in Florence was from my Italian adventure with nursing students, in 2012.
The framed certificate leaning against the wall is from my own students, who had branded me as a "Woman of Worth".
The book of Elvis post-its was a gift from the physicist, years ago. Last year, I used the ones of Elvis in his white jumpsuit to dance along my kitchen cabinet as my "events secretary".

And that little jade teapot beside the brass unicorn from Taiwan? That teapot was bought for Mama on a trip to San Francisco in October of 2000. I'm glad my stepdad wanted me to have it back after she died a few months later.
More love is in that third corner of the dining room, starting with those branches of cherry blossoms given to me by Art and Beau in Okinawa.

Elvis the Gnome and Bear Elvis were both gifts from my youngest brother and his wife.

The ceramic Santa napkin ring was made by Mama and given to me by her sister, my Aunt Linda.

The two Santa candlestick holders are part of a foursome, gifts from Smitty and Mary many years ago; they brighten my house every Christmas.

The artwork hanging on the door of my china cupboard was a gift from my first niece for my bday64 this year.
Then there is this Wall of Love.
The painting of Wormsloe Plantation is from my stepsister, Susan, as a wedding gift. It will stay, but the cards will all go after the new year begins.
These were all sent to me this year, cards of well wishes and birthday wishes and thank-you notes.
Christina sent the thank-you card with the crafted dream catcher on the front (after her spring break in Virginia).
Amy created her three cards by hand - one for my birthday, one for health, another for Halloween.
Aunt Linda made a card of well wishes in her crafts class at her senior center.
Dawn drew little smiley faces on the bandaids on the front of her "get-well" card.
My dining room is absolutely filled with love.
I am so very blessed.
i thank You, God.

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