Friday, November 24, 2023

is this really friday???

Yes, yes it is, because it is the day after Thanksgiving.
As that celebration is always on a Thursday, then the next day is Friday.
"Good point. You have anything else to substantiate that?"
Well, I have been besieged by 'mercials about Black Friday sales.
I've even received lots of emails with Black Friday specials that began today.
"Yeah, advertisements don't count, ya know.
Stores have been running those for at least a week.
Plus, you know very well that a lot of those "Black Friday" sales are running through the weekend, not just this one day.
So, you need to do better than that."

Okay, how about this: the mailman came today.

"No, no, no, yeah that won't work.
The mailman comes six days out of seven, so what else do you have?"

Hmmm, this may be harder than I thought.
Oh, how about this?
My phone says today is Friday and so does my computer!

"You're half-right.
The phone does have the day as well as the date; the computer has only the latter.
What else do you have?"

I know!
The Smiths & Kamerons Friday Fiesta was today at 5 PM!!!
There, undeniable proof of which day of the week it is!

"There ya go! 
I knew you'd get there eventually."

A very nice time it was, too, with all the regulars plus Addison again.
Her teachers are hitting her with two rounds of tests, first the last exams for the semester, then the Final Exams to test cumulative knowledge.
As I told her, I gave my students a break by having the last exam before Thanksgiving.
She wished her professors at UGA would do that!

"You missing teaching??"

So glad to have retired when I did!
And guess what Smitty asked me about tonight?
And Tony told Laura that they need to get the Homestead Exemption now.
Everybody is looking to save money, and looking to me for tips.
I'll have to send them the link to file online for those exemptions.

"That has been a big cost cutter for you, that exemption at 62."

Most definitely, as it cut my county property taxes in half.
I need to see about that exemption for being 64, though I should have done that last year.

"Every little bit adds up!"

Yes, it does, yes, it does.
And look what Laura gave me: her leftovers!
She had a big lunch earlier with her son Cole and his girlfriend, and could only eat one of her three shrimp tacos.
Looks like a mighty fine lunch for me tomorrow!

"That it does!
It'll make a nice change from the turkey leftovers, too."

Hey, that food that Mary packed up for me has been great!
Smoked turkey, fried turkey, and even some ham!
That's a nice variation from my usual canned meats.
Oh, and before I leave here, let me tell you something else I heard tonight.
Remember Randy, brother of Eric Newton and one-time rambler with Ronnie?
The last I heard of Randy was from Donna Howard, with her saying he'd cleaned up.
Apparently, that's true.
I saw a photo of him tonight, and he looks better than he has in many years.
Tony says he's working with Zach now.
I do hope Randy will continue to stay clean and sober.
He deserves to give himself a break from that other life on the street.

"Let's hope he does.
Being an alcoholic is a hard addiction to break."

Amen to that!
Okay, I have one more way that I know it's Friday.
Comcast has given me a $1 Weekend Movie Night Reward!
Let me see what I can find to finish out the evening...

1 comment:

faustina said...

Just a quick update on conversations!
At the last Friday Fiesta of 2023, Smitty told me he'd gone to apply for that "62+ tax exemption"...
and he was a bit upset about it.
Upset at ME.
Even though I sent him the weblink, he clearly hadn't read the info there.
So, when he was told by the clerk at the county tax office that income was another factor, not just age, he knew he wouldn't get it.
No, it isn't just because Mary is still working.
It's because he is still leasing houses and warehouses, so he has too much money coming in.
Oh, well.
I thought he told me he had sold all of that a couple of years ago.
He did, but he financed the sales, so he cold put it in his taxes piece meal.
He didn't tell me that part.
I thought he only had the one warehouse.
Nope, he had two, and was renting out both.
He hadn't told me that, either.
At least now I know that he has more money than I thought.
So, I won't tell him about getting discounted internet.
I already know he won't be eligible for that.
Doesn't sound like the Kamerons will be, either.
But their daughter, and niece will be.
I thoug