Sunday, March 31, 2024

letter to Dood, on this new journey

Dearest Dood,
I do hope your Walk To Emmaus has been a beneficial one. I know that often it isn't the end of the journey that brings the most satisfaction, but the journey itself which has the most memorable moments. It seems that is the message at the heart of this spiritual path you have been taking this weekend.

The journey is the important part.

The people on the journey with you are also important, as you learn about each other through conversation. You learn of each others ideals, concerns, dreams, beliefs - all things that are the essence of those people, all things which are the essence of you.

You have come so far on your journey already, especially during the past decade and more. I am so proud of the man you are becoming, of the man you have been since your return to Savannah, and your sense of responsibility not only to yourself but to others.

The journey is ongoing. Every day brings challenges, every day brings choices to be made, every day is a new day of faith in God.

No one walks their journey alone.

God is always with each and every one of us.

We hear His voice in the trills of birdsong, the whisper of wind in the trees, in the rush of a waterfall.

We see His image in the tide running up the shore, in the clouds of a blue sky, in the images of all life - even in the mirror.

"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience." That has long been a favorite quote of mine, from a Jesuit cleric, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. I hope it will have meaning for you.

I look forward to hearing of your experience on this latest spiritual journey.

with much love always,
your one and only sister

1 comment:

faustina said...

I cannot say for how many years I have had that beautiful card, waiting for the right time to send it and the right person to receive it.
I'm glad that time finally came.