Thursday, September 19, 2024

thursday with two firsts and the guys

So many options for my time tonight!
I could have gone to the Jepson for a reception and lecture...
I could also have attended the piano concert at Armstrong...
both of which were free events for me...
both of which I would have gladden been at any other Thursday...
but I am spoken for on the third Thursday of each month.
That's the only time I ever see these other veterans from Post 36, at least until the day arrives when Two Firsts becomes a viable 'saloon'.
That's what Doug calls watering holes like this one will one do become.
He's barely visible just past Billy's hat.
There was Jay, Michael T, Joe, Billy / Doug, Clark, and Carl.
Oh, and me, too.

So, what progress has been made at the site?
Well, the biggest news is this: we have a legit contractor now, and, if I understood him correctly, he's a member of our American Legion post now.
The "he" is Justin Wells, of Wells Construction Pros LLC, there with wife and partner, Savannah, to answer some questions about our project.
He's also a veteran, and quite possibly works with tradesmen - Drawdy's HVAC, was a name I knew, as well as Nick Hitt - who may also be former military, like us.
Here's the plan: they are amassing the paperwork required to file for the work permit from the city, and that is going to filed on Monday, 30 September.
They cannot yet work on the building because a "cease and desist" order was placed some few months past, so no contractors or tradesmen can legally do anything there.
Once the permit application is filed, we wait.
We are hoping the permit will be approved within two or three weeks, but, as we live n the real world, we have to acknowledge that it may be more like two months.
It all depends on where our request falls in the pecking order.
But, here's the real sweet spot: once that permit is approved, Wells and company will mobilize to complete our job as first priority.
How very kind of them!
And how very kind of Doug to let me take half a Firehouse Sub tuna sandwich home with me, as well as three donuts!
Most def right place, right time!

Saturday, September 14, 2024

flashback: 14 september 2014

Once upon a time... 
This tale is from a decade ago, but it began a few years earlier.
That was 2011, after my stepdad died and I inherited a share of what was left of Mama's estate, eleven years after her death.

I became Fliss of Kickstarter, helping dreams come true!
One of those I helped was a musician, David Lareau.
His dream was to get his CD, "Hugs From Distant Neighbors", produced, and that became reality in 2012.

As he was a Tallahassee native, I had a dream of my own: to go hear him and his band, The Copperpots, play.
The stars aligned in 2014!
The 319 Wine & Cheese Shoppe was hosting him for their Friday 'happy hour', so south I went!
I even had company for the drive: Jeff Secrest came along to meet my cousin and hear some music!
Here's the caption on fb for this photo: "Just David, no Copperpots this time - very nice acoustic set and then he came over and had a beer and talked with us for a while. Woohoo!!!"

I even had him sign the CD.

We spent the night with my blue-sky Penny and her hubby, Steve, there in Tall'ee.

The next day, we ate cold-cut sandwiches and had lemon cake for dessert.

We visited with Aunt Linda, too, who came over to coach Jacob and Alex in math.

Then, at some point, we returned to Savannah.

Those are all the details I have from that fb post.

Glad I took photos!


Friday, September 13, 2024

melanie and sam and dave

"Hey, hey! You met some new folks? Or had visitors?"

Well, I did meet some new people tonight! Barri Marshall played veejay at the "Sing & Swing Family Fling" at Asbury Memorial Church, in Holliday Hall, and guess what? I got to do some karaoke!!!

"Holy cow! You haven't done any of that since before the pandemic!"

That's right, and I could tell I was a bit rusty. But you know what? It's just like riding a bike!

"It came right back to you?"

Nope, more like when I fell off tempo, I just got right back on again!

"Hahahaha! Glad to hear it!"

Me, too. That crazy Danny Beam even shouted out to me, "Choir practice at 6:30 on Wednesday nights!" - lol! For everybody to hear! Then he told me again later, before he and Barbara left.

"He's really a good guy! Is that him up there singing?"

Sure 'nough! He enlisted his oldest grandson, Caleb, to hold the microphone. After all, he needed his hands free for Joe Cocker's "You Can Leave Your Hat On"! Very cool! Then, later, he and his lovely wife did "I Got You, Babe", with Danny down on his knees as Sonny.

"He certainly is an entertainer! So, what song made him notice your voice?"

My very first one. You know I usually start with "Brand New Key", right? This time, I made sure to mention that Melanie, the singer, had recently died. That may be what prompted Danny to pay homage to "the late, great, Joe Cocker" in his opening. The other song I performed was "Hold On, I'm Coming" by Sam & Dave. I hadn't realized that was meant to be sung as a duet, so that's the one I kept "falling off".

"Oh, you haven't done that for a while. The last time would have been at a karaoke night at Post 36 some few years ago."

Yeah. That was when one of the women there asked me why I was doing a song meant for men to sing. Really. That just blew my mind.

"I remember. Hey, why didn't you do more songs tonight?"

Well, I missed the first hour of karaoke. Tonight was the first new S&K configuration at Jalapenos and, as I felt partly responsible, I just had to be there. Then, I was having such fun that I stayed until we were all done with our Friday Fiesta!

"I see that Betsy was at your end of the table."

So was Becca, right beside her. In fact, somehow it had worked out that all the women had one table and all the men had the other!

"Well, that's certainly a change!"

Yes, it was! I think it just may carry on like this next time, too. I know Tony really liked being down there with the guys and being part of the conversation! I liked our conversation, too. Ronnie and Robin got mentioned by either Laura or Mary or both. They were surprised at what I hadn't known, but I'd reminded them that I was in San Diego until 1984, then I'd started college and was gone again. That would have been down to Tallahassee for summer of 86' and '87, then for grad school from 1988 onward.

"Right, I know that's how you missed stuff in that decade."

Right? And yet I knew some things they didn't about that situation. It's always a surprise to me when I find that to be the case.

"Well, you know Mama would tell you things that she wouldn't tell your brothers or anyone else. I'm glad y'all had that close friendship."

Me, too. I think a visit to her is overdue.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

flashback: toffee

No, this video is not of my dear dog...
but it certainly could have been.
The coloration of the dog is what first caught my attention.
This one lacked the mascara'ed eyes of Toffee, 
but had a similar build and size.
That joyful enthusiasm exhibited by the animal, though - 
I certainly remembered my girl acting that way!
I'd brought her back to the States with me when 
Keith and I transferred from Panama to Pensacola 
for more 'C' school with the Navy.
Toffee had never been anywhere that had temperatures 
below 70 F and she was delighted to discover the 
60's and 50's that fall of 1980.
"Look at me!," her happy face and wagging tail would say
on our evening walks, "I'm not even panting!"
Ah, such glorious times those were!
Then, one morning, I woke to find she'd died of heart failure.
At least I knew she'd enjoyed herself on that last stroll.
Still, it broke my heart that my three-year-old was gone.
How fortunate that her spirit lives in this joyful dog!

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

where i needed to be

Off fb and at the movies, 
munching pepperoni pizza, 
watching two larger-than-life heroes 
save the world.
Right place, right time.
i thank You, God.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

having a ball in new york city!!!

That would be JinHi and Mark Rand, not I.
They have been daily posting pics to share their anniversary with all of us.
Why would they do so?
We helped that dream come true.

A few months back, someone started a page to gather the funds for the two lovebirds to fly off to the Golden Apple and see some plays on Broadway.
We all contributed.
Some posted messages, some gave anonymously, but we all were in on it.
And our reward has been the deluge of photos and the accompanying travelogue from them.
Here's hoping their 25th anniversary next year will be even better.

wot the hell wuz that???

Pure, grade-A, shenanigans, that's what it was.

Why on Earth did that 78-year-old curmudgeon think he could walk on stage with absolutely no plan to share with the millions watching?

Because that's what old man Trump brought to the table last night.

I even watched "The View" this morning and all were aghast at his rants and his behavior.

My Alpha Chi Sigma fraternity brother summarized the Republican's rhetoric succinctly.

"Post birth abortions? Immigrants taking over towns and eating dogs? Transgender surgeries on illegal aliens in prison? How in the world does anyone think that he's sane?"


And here's what Blair Williams had to say.

"Marked Safe From having my pet eaten Today."

That's a twist on the fb "Marked Safe From" natural disasters posts.

Then there's the one from my friend Danielle Houston.

"I opted out on watching the debate tonight, however the commentaries on my feed from some of you confirmed I made the right choice. I thank you all for that."

Good for her!

I wonder if she also watched the football biopic?

I'll have to ask her!


dawn and sandy and political shenanigans

I had meant to take a photo of my luncheon, but I was busy listening to Dawn.

That's why I have this photo of the elite dancing in the rain on the beach.

Every time I see it at The King & I, I wonder what music they heard there.

Perhaps the servants were humming their favorite song?


Afterward, went to "Beetlejuice Beetlejuice" at the cinema, to see it in Big D.

Such a humorous flick it was, too, being most careful to step into those old shoes and walk the path left back in 1988 for it.

So glad it had Michael Keaton, Winona Ryder, and Catherine O'Hara keeping the pace!

Then I popped over to Savannah VA to speak in person with my PCP.

We have yet to catch each other about the thyroid ultrasound and I have questions!

I now have a phone appointment with her on Friday.

I also tried to speak with the optometrist, Dr. Urban, about my left eye.

As I told the nurse, I am wondering if a bacterial infection from water droplets that got into that eye when I was working in the yard in the spring might be the culprit for the decreased vision I now have in my good eye.

Part of the reason I wonder such a thing is due to Ian, the blind student I had, the one that led me to create my tactile periodic table.

His blindness had resulted from swimming in a dirty pond when he was 12 years old.

By the time I was done with those errands and one at the bank, it was time to meet up with Sandy for a movie!

I'm so glad I'd thought to contact her about "Reagan".

She is very much into politics and I knew she'd be interested in that hagiography.

How about that fancy new word, eh?

A hagiography is a biography of a saint, and clearly the Lifeguard was regarded as such, even though the tale was told through the perspective of a Russian spy.

That was smart: place the emphasis on Reagan's desire to end Communism, to make it the focal point of the movie.

She and I both liked it and popped over to B & D Burgers for dinner to keep talking.

And guess what I had?

An updated cheeseburger!

Actually, it was two of them, called Steakhouse Sliders.

I highly recommend them! 

I highly recommend those movies, too, as well as the third on my not-quite-completed AMC A*List dance card.

I already made my reservation for yet another viewing of "Deadpool & Wolverine".

That will be seen tomorrow.

I do know this: every time I watch it, I want to see "Deadpool" again.

That just may be what I see with my next Comcast $1 Movie Night reward.

But, not tonight.

Am I planning to watch the Presidential Debate between the Prosecutor and the Ex-Pres?

Interestingly, I started doing so, but lost interest.


That didn't start out being a joke, but it just happened that way.


And, as much as I'd liked to watch the Blond Man get thrashed, I'd rather see the new movie that Comcast has given to me: "The Blind Side".

Positive messages, lots of Sandra Bullock, and football - yes, much better!


Saturday, September 7, 2024

first live musical for the 4 little blondes!

First, my many thanks to the Hive Repertory Theatre, in Rincon, for this golden opportunity.
Everyone knows how much I love musicals, and to have this chance to share that love with my four little blonde great-nieces was absolutely magical for me!
Here's what they did that made it possible for all of us to go: they gave a free hour-long preview of the Tony-nominated show, "The Wind In The Willows"!!!
The musical is based on the book published in 1908 by an English banker, Kenneth Grahame.
He was 49 years old and he chose to retire after the publication of "The Wind In The Willows".
That book was comprised of stories he told his son.
Isn't that a nice touch?
I have to wonder if he and his boy spent afternoons walking in the woods together, discovering there all that nature had to offer.
Then, the Fox and River Rat and Mole and Otter living in that area just naturally became characters that the child could envision, right?
And the Toad, that silly speed-happy chap who loved motor cars, would serve as the cautionary tale of the consequences of bad decisions.
Perfect for middle-school aged tweens!
I'll go again for the entire musical in two weeks.
I'll hope for company when I see it then, but I'll certainly understand if that's not to be.
Single parents have to watch their money, and the $45 cost for a family of 3 can find other uses.
My many thanks to Michael and Christina for making sure they reserved their free seats for this performance when I sent them the link!
My many thanks to them, too, for making the trip from Hinesville - southeast of Savannah - to Rincon, northeast of this seaport.
I'm glad their mom, my outlaw Melinda, set up a cookout for Michael's birthday at her place in Guyton, while they were in the area.
That worked out beautifully for them... and for me!
I missed the ribs, but I benefited from the company of these six that I love!
Plus, get this: the musical was at 7 on the 7th.
Right place, right time, for us all.

Friday, September 6, 2024

beauty of a gas stove!

"Did you lose power or something?"

Nope! I toasted some marshmallows for dessert!

"Hahahaha! Now, that's funny!!! Looks more like 'burning' than toasting!"

I'm serious! You know darned well they're delicious when they've been on fire!

"Yeah, I know. That's because you're too impatient to wait for them to slowly toast."

You may be right about that. Having them the other night has really started me up about these simple sugar bombs. So good! So uncomplicated! So easy! A perfect dessert.

"Yes, dear."

They are! Low-cal, too. Which is probably needed after those Chicken Nachos.

"Oh, yeah, now you're talkin'! Was that at the S&K Family Fiesta?"

You know it! Shredded chicken, tortilla chips, and cheesy sauce - delicious! If not for everyone there, I'd have licked the platter clean!

"Hahahaha! Yeah, I know. Good for you to eat around others so you remember some manners every once in a while."

Very funny. Speaking of, I may have caused some paradigm shift there tonight.

"Oh? Do tell."

Well, I had Mary's attention and I asked why we sit as we do there, with all the women on one side of the table and all the men on the other. Laura piped up and said that's the way it's been as long as she's been there and she had wondered why, too. Mary told us that there was no real reason for it, it just kinda sorta happened, with her and Smitty taking opposite sides after they got there and everyone else sitting accordingly.

"Mary actually said 'kinda sorta' and all that?"

No, I was paraphrasing.

"Okay, just askin', 'cause it sounded like you, not her..."

... Mind if I finish my story? "Thank you, thank you so very much," as Deputy Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson would say.

"You're still watching "The Closer" on Peacock? I would have thought you'd finished off that series by now, as long as you've been watching it."

I don't binge watch. That just might overload my senses. I just watched s6e8, "War Zone", this afternoon, about three soldiers home on leave get killed when one is mistaken for his twin, gang hoodlum, brother. A few days ago, I watched a really funny one, s6e4, "Layover", in which Lieutenants Lou Provenza and Andy Flynn try to score with two flight attendants. Mind, they are the two oldest guys on the squad, but they fancy themselves still the studs they once were. Very funny! I just may watch it again sometime!

"Yes, dear. Now, what were you saying about dinner conversation tonight?"

About what? Oh, yes, the division of the sexes at Jalapenos of Sandfly. Yes. Well, it ended up with Mary announcing to the table that we would be switching it up next week. Yes, she did! And then she reminded everyone before we left that we'd be changing the sitting order next Friday - for real!!! I didn't think to mention that would be Friday the 13th. That's okay, as I'm sure that will come up.

"I'll be interested in hearing how that works out. I know several there are trying to match make with you and Mark, as y'all are similar ages and single."

Yes, they are. I had a chat with Laura about that after the parrot-head party. I closed by telling her that I wouldn't mind meeting him for dinner somewhere, and that satisfied her. So, I'm sure that has made the rounds now. Or, maybe not. Who knows?

"Who knows? The Shadow knows. Hahahaha! Hey, hold up! Is the stove light on? Already? I mean, it's only September, so the fuse for the attic fan should still be out. Right?"

Nope. I put it back in on Wednesday morning, just to check, and the attic fan stayed off. Hooray! Nice to have that clock again, too, so I don't have to check my phone for the time.

"The temperatures are already cool enough for that???"

Yes, believe it or not. Just look at this WSAV weather song, would ya? It's been highs in the low 80's, with no heat index, since Tuesday. Over the weekend, Savannah will have highs in the 70's and lows in the 60's. I don't know that I'm quite ready for that... but it sure is nice to be able to use the stove light again. Change, the one constant in life.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

... and deep, too!

I blame Genie for bringing that joke to mind!
She posted this meme on her fb page, with the caption "Why does this tree look like it's sneaking out of the woods?".
My response had been that it was just going skinny dipping in that water.
Then Tom Lewis said, "That water looks cold", and my immediate response had been, "and deep, too!"
That had been one of my favorite jokes when I was in the Navy.
Here goes: Two guys are pissing off a bridge, and one says, "That water sure is cold!"
To which the other, not to be outdone, replied justthatfast, "And deep, too!"
Must be time to post a few jokes!
Here's one from Rhonda.
What with Dragon*Con having recently come and gone, this one's timely.
Also, the US Post Office presented a series of stamps last month to mark the 50th anniversary of Dungeons & Dragons... and I ordered two sheets of them today.
One is for me; the other is for the J-Dawg as a house-warming gift.
He's one of the few I know who still use the mail to send missives.
In the photo, the manhole cover proclaims "TELEPORT", but the caption reads, "I stood there all day. Lying bastards."
Danny Beam posted this one with...
is that Baby Yoda?...
singing and getting the lyrics wrong.
"Footlose, pet goose,
picked a fight with a moose,
stiff breeze, 
look out, there are ten bees!"
I've scrambled some words up sometimes, but not that badly!
And I can always count on Hallie, 
the sis-in-law of my sis-in-law Mary, 
for a chuckle.
This one riffs on a John Lennon tune.
"Imagine there's no thunder,
it's easy if you try.
No hellish noises
coming from the sky.
Imagine all the people
not using fireworks..."
And there's the dog in the front row telling his buddy, "This song gets me every time."
Maybe he needs some of the doggy drugs that Mary gives Buddy to keep him calm during holiday nights and thunderstorms!
Got room for one more?
Sure, you do, especially since it's from a former radio jock like Jay Sinclair!
In fact, let's dedicate this to another former deejay, my ex, a devoted KISS fan!
The scene: a doctor's office.
The patient is sitting on one of those horrid metal tables when the doctor, holding a clipboard, comes in and says, "How's your energy level?"
The long-haired, bald pate, patient, dressed as a rocker from the early 80's, replies:
"I want to rock & roll on occasion, 
and party every once in a while."
Go on, click that link - ya know ya want to!
And turn it up!!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

a*list and carolyn

It isn't as if she and I went to every movie together -

because we didn't.

We only did that for the last one, the science-fiction themed "Slingshot" with Casey Affleck and Laurence Fishburne.

That could have been superb if they had stopped it 60 seconds earlier.

Other than that gaffe, it was excellent and dealt with a very real item of concern at NASA for manned voyages to Titan or Mars or anywhere else: the fragile human psyche.

That film earlier this year from AARP MFG dealt with that in depth.

Oh, speaking of that film, it's the only one of the trio which is in its correct slot on this week's dance card.

The other two are out of sequence, though I have no idea why.

"The Crow" - already spoken in detail about - belongs in the first slot, as I saw it on Monday, September 2, not on Tuesday.

I have no inkling as to how AMC scrambled that up.

"City Of Dreams", which I did see on Tuesday/yesterday, belongs in the middle.

I didn't really care for it, as I was expecting a baseball diamond, but got a soccer pitch.

Anyway, the next A*List begins on Friday, and I can hardly wait: "Beetlejuice Beetlejuice" awaits me, and if I like it, I just may see it three times!

I'll just be sure to not say it thrice!


Oh, and how does Carolyn figure in with the above trio?

On Monday, she was out there at the same time as I, but she went to a different movie.

On Tuesday, she again was out there and I joined her afterward for cake.

On Wednesday, we watched the movie together, then went our separate ways.

Still, we made contact each day!


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

flashback: may 3, 2012

I always tried to be at the special events on the Armstrong campus, especially those during the day.
This particular one was during the second year of my temporary full-time gig there.
It was the Friday before Cinco De Mayo, so the university had been having Hispanic Outreach activities all week.
I don't recall just why a Native American dancer was there to entertain the lunchtime crowd, nor do I recall which nationality he was.
All I can say for sure is this: he was magnificent to watch while he was dancing all over the plaza.
My feet were tapping right along during his entire dance, and he noticed he had my attention.
Looking directly at me, he asked the gathered audience if anyone would like to join him in a group dance, knowing I would be the first to volunteer... that's what he told me, too, when I spoke with him afterward.
First, he lined us up and showed us a few steps.
He made sure we were holding hands, too.
I felt like a Rockette!
Next, we started dancing...
... as he led us in a curving line all around the plaza at the student center!
Then, we gave thanks for the dance we had done together.
My thanks to Armstrong for a lovely break from chemistry and teaching!
My thanks to the dancer for seeing in me a kindred spirit!
My thanks for fb for this 'memory' a couple of months ago!
i thank You, God!

the lemon cake is much better

That's the response I'd posted to Lynita Spivey's fb query earlier.

She'd asked folks to talk her out of buying a Pepperidge Farm chocolate cake and eating the whole thing.

Then, tonight, I was with Carolyn at Carey the H on Waters and guess what they have on the menu now?

"Soft Lemon Cake"

Now, Lynita and I have an inside joke.

I shared the tale with Carolyn, so she and I now have that same joke.

Very nice.

Right place, right time.

Monday, September 2, 2024

poignant tragic romance, as i told imdb

Yes, that's right: I've cared enough to leave a review for this movie on
Just which movie might that be?
I thank Ernie Hudson for spurring me to do so.
I'd read his quote on 26 August while I was still trying to figure out whether I would see it.
After mulling it over for two days, I decided to see it anyway...
even though I had already completed my A*List and would have to pay for it.

That's how important it was to me that I see it and judge it for myself.
I'm so glad I did!
I had loved Bill Skarsgard in "Boy Kills World", and I love him as 'Eric' in this new movie.
Yes, "The Crow" is a new movie, not a remake, not at all.
There is so much confusion out there about that point.
No one thinks Aerosmith's "Crazy" is a remake of Patsy Cline's "Crazy".
Nor does anyone compare Seal's "Crazy" to Gnarls Barkley's "Crazy".
I love all four of those songs and all four of the artists that sing them.
I've even done some of them in karaoke, just to hear them again.
However, I do not ever remember reading any criticism of those same-named songs.
Not once.
So, if songs with vastly different lyrics are allowed to have the same title with no one even batting an eyelash, then what is the deal?
Other movies have had the same name and not been harshly devalued because of it.
During the pandemic, I wanted to watch again the 2016 movie with Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence, as it would be in keeping with the social isolation.
However, when I went in search of it on TV, other movies with that same name popped up, but not the one I wanted.
The one with Anne Hathaway, made in 2008, wasn't even science fiction, nor was the 2009 one set in Los Angeles.
Were any of those remakes of each other?
Nope, nor did anyone claim they had been.
Why all the venom and vitriol being hurled at "The Crow"?
Yes, it's derived from the same comic book which was published in 1989.
Yes, the two lead characters have the names 'Eric' and 'Shelly'.
Yes, the male gets killed and comes back to avenge the female's death.
Ooh, aah.
This version didn't have rape, so that was a plus to me.
It also had much more of the love story between the two leads, using about half the movie to set up that tragic, and short, romance.
I consider that a plus, too, as we had scant interface with the female lead in the older movie made three decades ago.
Straight out of the 80's alternative playbook, though not anything anyone would have heard on the radio back then.
Oddly, only Gary Numan and The Joy Division would have been heard back then.
The other bands are all new to me, but they had that sound going for them.
Very nice!
Plus, there was an opera that played well with the choreography of the last fight scenes.
That was "Robert le diable", written in 1831 by German composer Giacomo Meyerbeer, in five acts, for the Paris Opera.
I'd like to see that some time, as it was the first 'grand opera' ever and had some incredible scenes in this movie.
What movies did make it to my AMC A*List?
"The Forge" was about refashioning the Christian church into smaller groups of 'disciples', both to promote camaraderie amongst members and to encourage the spreading of The Gospels to future church members.
I recommended that to my brothers, as it seems to be the message currently being taught at the Compassion Christian campuses.
"Blink Twice" was the third Channing Tatum film I've seen this year, with this being the only horror movie in that trio.
I had thought I might see the thought-provoking story one more time, but not after the nightmare I had the day after seeing it.
That's a shame, as it's one of the modern, slick, horror films - "Ready Or Not", "Abigail", "Bodies Bodies Bodies" - that hearken back to the crime spree of "Heathers".
(Note: that last one also starred Christian Slater, as did "Blink Twice", 26 years later.)
"Didi" came with high praise from Carolyn, but I could barely stand to sit through the coming-of-age movie even once.
Dark and dour and just nothing I wanted to be part of.
I really should have seen "The Crow" instead.

let there be.... sushi!!!

That itch has been thoroughly scratched!
When the physicist arrived for our luncheon and asked if I had a hankering for anything in particular, sushi immediately leapt to mind!
That meant I had to tell him about seeing the documentary about the octogenarian again, the one we'd seen together so long ago.
Yes, he remembered that one!
And when he asked where to dine, I said "the place on Montgomery Cross Road", and he'd said, "oh, that's a good place, but I never remember which way its name goes."
That's when the correct order, and the name, popped up for me: Sushi Time Towa.
Yes!!! I love that place, though I haven't been in years!
They even had a luncheon special that looked very good to me...
ah, too bad it's only or Monday through Thursday.
That's when the J-Dawg said, "What day do you think today is?" 
Pause... wasn't it Sunday?
No, yesterday was Sunday, right, since I watched Billy's sermon "live" on youTube...
so, today must be Monday???
But it was Labor Day... which is always on a Monday!!!

So we both dined for $18.95 on the sumptuous feast provided by one weekday special!
Salad with ginger dressing, a beautifully-plated California roll, two pieces of tempura shrimp, two pieces of tempura vegetables, a generous helping of teriyaki chicken with vegetables, and a pillowy mound of white rice - and the waiter even brought us an extra plate to split it!
Plus, we had lots of talking, too!
He's working on contacting his subconscious mind and I told him about my blog chats with myself and how helpful that is for working through issues.
I also told him that there's a T. S. Eliot line that helps trigger talks with my inner mind.
"Terrence this is stupid stuff, you eat your victuals fast enough."
[Though, just now, when I looked it up, I discovered I've credited the wrong poet.
I should have said A. E. Housman instead.]
"In fact," I told him, "I need to contact my subconscious about this loss adjustment problem I am having that has my sleep schedule screwed up."
So, we talked about Barbara and Kal, about that case still rocking on because the phones are locked, about my apparent need to have some resolution, about me waking up at least six times last night, about me being up until 2:30 AM or later and that causing me to wake up later than I like.

At least "Toon In With Me" had a theme of movie genres this morning, so I got see chuckle at Daffy Duck as a detective in a 1952 film noir spoof called "The Super Snooper".
That alone should have clued me in that it was a weekday, right?
That show isn't on Saturday or Sunday.
And, yet... it took the bfe's asking me "What day do you think today is?"
What a fine way to spend a couple of hours today: in his company!

I'd already started out with a fine breakfast, using a chunk of leftover cheeseburger with lettuce and kosher dill pickle slices.
Thank you, Tony and Laura, for that party yesterday!

Then, for dinner tonight, I polished off the half-rack of ribs my other brother had brought with him to the Friday Fiesta at Jalapenos.
Smitty had texted first to confirm that I would be there.
Hooray for ribs for Labor Day!
Thank you, brother mine!
Now, I'm off to meet Carolyn at the cinema.
We're going to different movies, but it's still a chance to see each other.
I'm seeing "The Crow" again, she's seeing "Deadpool & Wolverine" once more.
What a full holiday weekend it's been!