Sunday, June 11, 2023

bday65 with Bonnie and Batman!

"Did you say Bonnie? As in your stepmom Bonnie?"
I did!!! She has been visiting her brother and several friends in Beaufort for most of last week, while I've been ACTING with VBS. Today, she picked me up and away we went!
"Say what??? Have you up and gone back to Alabama with her?"
No, not quite.
Conner was the only one who came with her, as both Merritt is working this summer break, as he wants to get a car.
Conner wanted to spend part of the summer with his maternal grandparents, down in Blackshear, so Bonnie had arranged to meet Boyd in Hinesville.
Somehow, that was deemed as halfway between Beaufort and Blackshear.
All I know is this: I've made that trek multiple enough times that I don't need my GPS any more for it, so I was deemed her guide to get them there!
That gave me almost four hours of being in her good company!!!
"And you got to visit with Conner, too!"
Well, so to speak.
Teens tend to be wrapped up in headphones and mesmerized by the glowing screen between their hands, meaning he was in the car on the way down, but not vocal.
Even when we got out at the Wendy's and had a nosh, he declined to join us. 

"What?! A teenaged boy who turned down food???"
Unheard of, I know.
He had plenty of snacks in the car, so, no worries.
And he was thrilled when his grandpa showed up, with several of his little cousins in tow.
That was good to see!
Bonnie and Boyd make sure he gets to see them twice a year, during school breaks, by meeting in the middle between their respective homes.
He is so fortunate!
And so am I, blessed to have had this time with Bonnie!
I really do need to start planning some trips.

"Yo! Hold on! Sounds like you're about to bug out. What about Batman?"

Oh, yeah.
He showed up at the tail end of the VBS portion of this Sunday's service at Asbury!
I even waited my turn in line and had my photo taken with him!
Yes, I know he was Rev. Billy, but... he was Batman!!!
For real!!!

"He is such a fabulous minister! And whatcha got there on that little plate?"

A bit of heaven, that's what, reminding me that Blaxstone, aka SamJ, has a birthday coming!
Nothing like pineapple upside-down cake to bring his sweet smiling face in view.
I was dining outside, and one of the women leaving church spoke of how pretty the day was.
I replied with this poem from the embroidery sampler Mama had made, so very many years ago.
The kiss of the sun for pardon,
the song of the birds for mirth,
one is nearer God's heart in a garden
than any place else on Earth.
The woman liked it so much she had me repeat it, so she could memorize it.

"How very nice! Sounds like you made her day earlier."

How very nice of Bonnie and Batman and Blaxstone to make mine!
i thank You, God!

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