Tuesday, June 6, 2023

vbs hero hotline: work together

Well, that particular lesson came up pretty quickly for me!

Today was Session 3 for the children, though, and I was one of the new faces in Tom and Lauren's Bible Story Station upstairs!

We fortunately had a rehearsal before any kids were to arrive.

I had thought I'd be called upon to act, but... nope!

I was to be a puppeteer!

I haven't worked with puppets since I was going through part of  my electronics schooling at the naval station in Great Lakes, IL.

There was a group of us who would go to the children's ward at the local hospital and entertain them with the hand-operated dolls, as well as marionette birds.

That had been lots of fun for all of us and for the kids... and so was this!

Best of all?

I was doing this with Natalya, the teen daughter of the storyteller (Lauren), and we worked very well off each other's cues!

We each had two roles.

First, we were Moses' sons, Gershom (the above puppet) and Eliezer (another large puppet with mouth to move).

In that part of the story, we were arguing, as siblings do, about whether the animal seen was a camel or a donkey, and the kids watching were asked to take sides in our quarrel.

Then, a little later, Moses was officiating as arbiter for quarrelsome Israelites, with me waving the arms of this huge-mouthed puppet and her having a smaller puppet with moving arms.

And just what were the two citizens having a beef over?

Whether the one had closed their eyes for the blessing or did not!

The kids were all relieved to learn that the important thing was to bless the food, and the eyes could be open or closed for that.

And what was the lesson overall?

"Heroes are called to WORK TOGETHER."

Amen to that!

1 comment:

faustina said...

Tom had sent the scripts on Sunday, so I'd practiced my lines...
but it was a relief to not have to stand in front of the kids.

We had three performances that evening.
The first was to eleven pre-K and K children, but we did a simple skit (rising with arms raised every time "up" was said in the story, then sitting with arms down for "down", just to encourage them to stay alert).
The skit was performed for six 1st to 3rd grade students, then a second time for the third group, which was seven 4th to 6th graders.

Good thing we had a second practice session after the dinner time!
Yep, we were even fed: chicken fingers, potato coins (like flat tater tots), green beans, and salad.
There was mac'n'cheese, too, as well as dessert, but I eschewed those...
instead of chewing them!
Hahahahaha! Hahaha!

I already mentioned that Lauren was the storyteller.
Tom was Jethro, father-in-law of Moses (played by Steve Reed, the guy I'd done parking lot duty with for "The Christians") and father of Zipporeh (played by Cheri Hester).

After our three groups of "heroes" had gone through, we got ready for the next night and did a quick practice so we could get the blocking done.
That meant I was home by 8:30 PM; I had arrived there about 4:45 PM.
That was basically our schedule for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.