Friday, August 9, 2024

babajanian, et alia

It was a new concert, at a new venue, and I found out about at Connect Savannah.
That's rather a last-resort place for me to seek out entertainment options, as most of their stuff seems to be at bars.
Yet, they helped a girl out tonight!
I had the Masters in Voice class earlier and had thought I had something else with the SVF12, but I was mistaken.
Now what to do?
Show up at Jalapenos anyway, after telling my brothers I'd be absent, or go to an evening movie out at AMC?
Neither of those options motivated me to leave the house.
I know that tomorrow I'll have a play in a new venue for me, and the bfe will be there...
and Sunday will find me serving at another SVF12 concert...
but, what to do, if anything, on this Friday night?
So, I went for the free classical music concert at Messiah Lutheran Church.
Excellent choice!!!
Not only did I run into one of my fellow Lucas volunteers, but she told me that this summer concert series put on by her church has been fabulous!
That was Julie Gillart, and I'll look to see her at future The Arts At Messiah events.
They have them the second Monday of June, July, and August each year, but this month's Monday had become a Friday thanks to Debby dropping by.
I'm well acquainted with days being out of sequence.

Their change made my choice easy.
Oh, I just realized I had not yet introduced the band!
It's a very new group, formed in 2021, called Trio Ondata, with musicians who met and played together while students at Yale School of Music.
Their name translates from Latin as "trio waves", which could refer to music as sinusoidal patterns of sound, but I choose to believe it's because of their hair.
All three of them have hair with different degrees of natural curl!
I know that not much can be told from that photo, but it's true.
The violinist, Michael Ferri, had the curliest, a mass of dark waves overlapping on his head.
The cellist, Miriam Liske-Doorandish (a name which reminds me of the door-dashing my first niece does in Hinesville!), has an uneven hairstyle, with long, flowing waves on one side giving way to short hair on the other.
But it's the pianist, Anthony Ratinov, who has tight, short, blond curls, much like the hair that my stepdad had when he missed a trim.
Very nice!
Together, they gave us a very energetic program that ranged from a modern piece to a century-old classic and back to a modern master.
I liked the Reena Esmail piece, "Saans (Breath)", written in 2017 when she was 34 years old.
The musicians claimed it had Indian themes, but I definitely heard some Japanese tones.
Next was a composition from Johannes Brahms, "Piano Trio No. 3 in C Minor, Op. 101", written in 1886 when he was 52 years old. 
They played all four movements and, trust me, that was no lullaby!

To finish the program, after a nice intermission, the trio brought out the most energetic work of them all: Arno Babajanian's "Piano trio in F-Sharp minor".
Written in 1952 when the composer was 31 years old, it was certainly "espresssivo" and "vivace" in those first and third movements!!!
The link I have for this one is the best performance I found on youTube, though truly none of those chamber musicians played as ferociously as Trio Ondata did!
Perhaps, one day, they will have their version posted on their channel at that site.
It truly was something to behold, as well as to hear.
What an excellent choice for a night at loose ends!
i thank You, God!

1 comment:

faustina said...

I always thought that Brahms was a very old man when he died.
Not so.
He was only 63, the same age at which Mama died.
Interestingly, Babajanian was just 62 when he died.
Both in their early 60's, but taken to be old.
What does that mean about me, since I'm older than they were?