Wednesday, July 26, 2017

turning japanese with the bfe

Haha! I bet you were thinking of the song by the Vapors, weren't you?
Not that you would be completely wrong, of course... that came earlier!
You know how I prefer to defuse potentially sticky situations... all puns intended!

This is my second evening this week
in the presence of the physicist, you know!
That had been my treat; tonight was on him.
No, not physically, you silly nene!
He wanted us to share some sushi
with a screening of a Japanese film,
much as we had done five years ago.

That's when PFS had its
"Movies Savannah Missed" in 2012
and showed "Jiro Dreams Of Sushi"
and we had dined at Heiwa downtown.
Good times!
This time, we were at Yo Ha Ne,
midtown, with their special
sweet carrots to start.

He dined on two sushi rolls,
one with spicy tuna
and the other his beloved tempura.
I had the vegetable stirfry,
opting for meatless in the summer heat.
Of course, we shared each other's
dishes... at least a few bites...
but not the last bites!

Then, back into 'Emma', his Mini Cooper,
and off to the Sentient Bean!
Yes - he drove!
That would allow me to have a glass of wine
with the movie - such a treat!
And, again, on him!
(No, not physically -
though I could have been, as we had
grabbed the couch for our seats!)

Tonight's PFS screening was of the second
in Kaizo Hayashi's three-film series
featuring the character Maiku Hama.
Titled "The Stairway To The Distant Past",
this 1995 film noir-style beauty used
fabulous blue lighting to help set the tone.
As I told the physicist,
I really found myself missing Okinawa...
nice to see Japan and hear the language again.

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