Thursday, July 7, 2022

getting ready for flo-ree-dah!

Washed me, washed dishes, then it was time to wash clothes!

Not surprisingly, I was the only one there at what once was Nami's Wash Plus. 

Several of the washers and dryers are in need of repair, but none of them ever seem to get fixed.

As long as any of them work, I'll be there!

I finished up in my usual sixty minutes or so and headed for home.

I managed to get the clean laundry into the house before the clouds opened up!

I sat with the back door wide open, enjoying the summer thunderstorm and the sound of the rain and the freshness of the breeze... very nice!

So, just what was up with all the cleaning?

Did I have company coming over?

No, that wasn't it at all!

I'm leaving soon for a bday64 adventure!

Actually, I'll be traveling with my first niece and her 'yahoos' and I just want to look forward to a clean house when I return.

Right now, though, it's time to sing and dance!

AARP's MPG has "Grease" on the menu and you better believe I'm gobbling it up, gallbladder or no gallbladder!

It's so much fun to watch this movie again, with its "Summer Loving" and "Greased Lightning", knowing "You're The One That I Want"!


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