Wednesday, July 27, 2022

proof of life: in search of the 7 dwarfs

Seriously, that's what the dog was doing! 
The neighbor over there has seven tiny dogs and, when he has them out in the yard, Dane shares the day's gossip with them, and vice versa.
To humans, it sounds lie an awful cacophony of barking!
But, if you listen between the yips and woofs and arfs, you can almost understand the stories about owners being shared through the wire fence.
After a while, the wife sends the husband out to collect the dogs.
It takes him three trips, with one dog under each arm and the last dog coming of his own accord.
I try to make sure Dane doesn't participate in the din more than once a day.
If he was in charge, he'd be out there every time they were!
That wouldn't be fair to the little fellas.
All the noise created in the pit bull's presence curtails their outing to the yard.
That was earlier this afternoon, before I went southside to join mi amigas!
I had been summoned to a screening of "Nope" at 5 PM, so I went!
Barbara was the summoner, and she had Carolyn in tow with her.
Sandy was to come along, too, but she chickened out.
No matter what I said about it being western SciFi, she only saw the "horror" label which had mistakenly been affixed to the film.
That's okay, I was glad to see it again!
It was especially nice to see it in BigD!!!
How fitting for this type of cinematic treat!
Afterward, I traveled back to midtown, as I had critters ready for dinners.
One more day and Tony and Laura will return from their vacation... 
and I can return to my home!
Meanwhile, might as well take advantage of having more channels of TV to enjoy for free!
I had hoped to watch a few more episodes of "iZombie" tonight.
Nope, no could do.
Netflix was requiring me to log in... drats.
I guess I shouldn't have used Noah's account.
That worked out for the best, though.
"Shawshank Redemption" was about to start, and I hadn't seen it in forever!
Well, maybe not that long, but quite a while.
It's the kind of movie that when I see it listed, I flip over to that channel, no matter where the story line might be, and watch until it's over.
Fortunately for me, it had just begun, with Red providing a bit of history to set the story up.
This scene is near the end of the movie.
Andy is looking up from the accounting as the warden is giving him instructions.
That glare directed over his glasses at the devious man transmits the prisoner's disdain beautifully.
Yes, revenge is definitely a dish best served cold...
bwah ha ha!

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