Friday, July 15, 2022

off to the cinema for an (old) girls' trip!

Yep, I'm back in the 'Vannah, as the physicist would say!

What brought him to mind?

Well, I had another trip downtown to the Savannah Cultural Arts Center tonight.

I was actually surprised when Sandy and Barbara didn't remember the occasion!

Rather, I was until I recalled that the event had not been for Cinema Savannah, but was for Savannah Repertory Theatre, and was not a movie, but a one-man Samuel Beckett show.


That was definitely not our usual reason for coming to the Ben Tucker Theater!

I guess we've really gotten out of the swing of things, but we're trying, we really are, to get back into a groove.

So, this was an outing to one of Tomasz Warchol's curated picks for us, which meant it was sure to have some nubile young thing parading about naked.


That's true of all of these Cinema Savannah flicks these days!

I'm just glad that "Competencia Oficial", an Argentinian movie from last year, was a comedy.

Well, that's how it was billed... but I think I found different bits funny than were intended.

That's okay.

It was good to see Antonio Banderas and Penelope Cruz again, even though he looked a bit like a chemo patient and her hair was totally fried.

It was good to be with mi amigas, tambien, except for one little thing.

Barbara is not taking well to being the driver and is now charging three bucks a head for trips downtown and five bucks a head for trips to Pooler.

Yeah, for real.

Not that I've been to Pooler for a movie in ages... but now I'll have to factor that cost in.

She's claiming it's for "gas and parking"; I think it's for her aggravation.

Maybe I'll just drive myself.

What about my dizzy spells and speed disorientation?

Well, here's a curious thing: I noticed after my first week with COVID that I hadn't been dizzy for several days.


In fact, I haven't had dizziness since then.

I'll need to try driving at highway speeds at some point, now that I'm home again.

Christina did all the driving on the girls' trip to Ormond Beach.

I'm rather curious as to my ability to take such a trip on my own now.


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