Thursday, October 13, 2022

4-year-olds have away games?

Yes, they do!

And this was the first time I've seen her in action this fall.

I guess it's only fitting, since she just turned of age.

Otherwise, I would have had to use a different title!


I speak of Miss Chlo, of course!

Here she is, pink bows in blonde hair!

She's representing the YMCA of Coastal Georgia and has the jersey to prove it.

And why does she have her index finger in the air?

Because she's Number 1, that's why!

Literally and figuratively, too!

Oh, wait you can't see the number on her jersey.

Hold on a sec.

Here ya go.

Is that better?

Whaddaya mean, where is she?

Just follow the pink bow!

That's her, out front, heading toward the goal.

See that big "1" on the back of her jersey?

Yep that's Chloe!

What a trooper!

What do I mean by that?

Well, she had a fever that made her miss school today, but she worked on getting well because she wanted to be here for the game.

And then, after one of the other players kicked her above her leg guard, she still went right back to the field!

Here's Dadda icing down her knee.

Mommie has already assured herself that all will be well and is heading back to the sidelines.

And Chloe is standing there, like a big girl, just needing a few sips of juice to fuel her back up to speed!

What a trooper!

And she that guy in the green shirt?

That's her coach.

That other adult on the field was the coach for the Richmond Hill YMCA.

No one seemed to mind that six purple jerseys were versus four gray ones.

I think that's because no one was keeping score.

The purpose was to have fun and get cheered on!

Mission accomplished!

Missed the goal?

No problem!

Good for you for trying!

And, hey, our goal is the other direction!

Run, Chloe, run!

Miyah was cheering for her, too.

Littlest girl got so inspired that she was running and wanted me to take her picture.

Woohoo!!! Look at her go!!!

Then the game was over and it was time for all players to give each other high fives!

Good sportmanship begins early, right?

Time for snacks, too!

It was already after 7 PM, and my first niece's family dines after the games and practices, so snacks are needed!

Plus, they played for almost an hour... that definitely plenty of time to work up an appetite!

I took advantage of the lull to take my leave.

This was fun, y'all!

1 comment:

faustina said...

I'm so glad the game was on for yesterday, for several reasons.
First, I've been hoping to make it for either a practice or game since they started several weeks ago.
However, as they were in Hinesville, that meant I would need to plan to stay overnight, as I'm still not driving at night.
(Hey, it stresses out my heart and the bug in my eye, okay?)
Second, this game was in Richmond Hill, which I deemed close enough to go for a 6:15 game and still get back to Savannah before hard dark set in.
(I wasn't quite correct on that, but I did make it to Georgetown before dusk waxed over to night.)
Third, the soccer season is nearing its end as this month comes to a close.
(It's an 8-week season for 3- to 4-year-olds.)
Fourth, we had lots of rain go through here on Wednesday night, so there was a possibility that the field would have been too wet.
(Fortunately, yesterday was bright and sunny and warm, allowing plenty of time for drainage of any near-surface water.)
Fifth, Chloe missed school and there was a chance she'd miss the game, too, and I had big concerns about that.
I even texted Christina twice to see what was going on.
Fortunately, Chloe was determined to play and her doctor cleared her.
Well worth the drive out there, even though I got lost!
Well worth being there an hour before the game!
That gave me time to chat with the future nurse at the front desk, about classes and teaching and online studies - very nice!

i thank You, God!