Saturday, October 29, 2022

dood is a parkway speed limit!

"He's a what??"

He's a parkway speed limit!!! He's 55 now!

"Oh, I get it. A little joke."

But of course! Here, he's reading the funny card I gave him of songs for folks 'his age'. He was even singing the titles... and I joined in!

"What about Laura? She doesn't sing?"

I think she was enjoying watching us! "Knock, knock, knocking on the bathroom door"! "My achy breaky hip"! "I wear my bifocals at night"! "1-900 is the loneliest number"! "Hey, you, get off of my lawn"! 

"Yeah, that last one wasn't on the list."

I know, but I can't remember what the last word was for that Rolling Stones spoof.

"I see. So they're back from his birthday cruise?"

They are! And they had a really good time, for the most part. They certainly enjoyed the being out at sea at night! So many stars! And the sunsets and sunrises over open water were just lovely!

"And did they get to any shows onboard?"

Most def! They both had a blast at the concert-style show last night! Lots of rock and roll songs... including some listed on his birthday card!

"What about Nassau? How did they like it?"

They loved the clear blue of the water and the sugary sand, for sure. Tony said the beach was only for Carnival passengers and was full of people! Like I said, they loved the beach part of the shore excursion. But they hadn't liked the locals with their hands out at the port. Good thing they were forewarned about them, and told not to touch anything offered or they would be expected to buy it. I'm glad I never had that happen on any of the cruises I went on, but I had heard that Bahamas and Jamaica were terrible about that.

"Well, I'm glad they're safely home again and had a good time. I bet the dog was glad to see them!"

Oh, Dane most definitely was! He hardly wanted to leave their side! And told them about my trick for getting him to eat his vitamins. I make sure to put the two chewables on my breakfast plate, then toss them to him as if they were 'people food'! He gobbles them up and thinks he's had a treat!

"Very good! I'm sure they were delighted about that!"

They were! Anything that gets him to take them without wrestling them into his mouth. That had been quite discouraging for them. Anyway, I'm home again and need to get some things done, so... toodle oo!

"Sure 'nough. Off you go!"

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