Monday, October 31, 2022

remember pop-up videos?

Well, I do, and I didn't like them.
I especially didn't care for that aggravating noise every time one appeared.
You know what sound I'm talking about, right?
That "mmmpppp" from throwing your lips apart while exhaling.
It's the same noise type that kids use to drive their parents crazy on long car trips.
This morning, I was hearing that noise repeatedly while I read.
There I was, in the sunroom, enjoying my weekday groove of reading an article or two while I had brunch or breakfast, whatever I was calling that first meal.
Today, it was brunch, as it was pasta with cheddar cheese.
The AARP Magazine for October/November was the meal's companion.
So, scene set.

Today's selection was the piece on Adam Sandler and I enjoyed reading about the 56-year-old actor-comedian-writer-director...
and all was well with that first page...
until I flipped over to the next one...
and that's when the noise started.
Not from outside...
not from elsewhere in the house...
It emanated from the text right in front of me.
For reasons that escape me, the author had decided to sprinkle superscript numbers throughout the next two pages of the interview, with colorful bubbles of extraneous text offset in the margins.
I can only assume he felt the need to add these tidbits and could not otherwise have worked them into his writing.
Every time one of those superscript numbers appeared, I swear I heard that pop-up sound.
Every... single... time.
In all, there were ten of those asides disturbing the peace of my sunny groove.
Glad to have that article done!
Now, as xfinity has granted me another $1 Movie Night, I think I'll opt for "The Wedding Singer", as I really like Billy Idol in that one.
But that will be after "Buffy: The Musical" episode at 7 PM tonight!
What a Halloween treat!
As for now, off I go into the glorious warmth of this week of Indian summer!

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